F O R G E T F U L N E S S : (

Does anyone enjoy f o r g e t f u l n e s s?

I am sure 9 9 . 9 % of you disagree.

Once, I forgot to
2 days ago,  I forgot to bring my sweater to school and i was freezing.... :(

Yesterday, I forgot to bring my sweater to school [AGAIN], and i forgot to bring my jacket to ballet rehearsals and the dressing room was much worse than the school. :(

Today, I forgot to ask my mom to sign my planner which is needed every Friday. [I have already forgotten to ask for 8 weeks!!!!! :( ]

I have just proven that i am an extremely forgetful human being. :(

is that a good thing?

I don't think so!

If you have ever forgotten to do something comment below and tell us your story!

Have a good life!

P.S. Flying Catfish is also very forgetful [Much worse than i am!]


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