Whales in danger? :(

One of my most favourite sea creature is?


Whales are cute, huge and awesome, but they are now endangered animals ๐Ÿ˜ž.

Basically i will be writing a short (?) biography about Blue Whales.

Visit here to take a look at more information.
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Blue whales, as you all know, are the largest animals living on earth. They can be as big as 30 meters long an as heavy as 200 tons (181437 kg)! Their tongues aloe can weigh as much as an elephant, their hearts, as much as an automobile!

Blue whales eats a tiny shrimplike animals called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale consumes  about 4 tons (3629 kg) of krill a day!
Image result for blue whales eating
Blue whales are baleen whales, which means they have fringed plates of fingernail-like material, called baleen, attached  to their upper jaws. The giant animals eat by gulping a huge mouthful of water, expanding the pleated skin on their throat and belly to take it in. After that the whale's massive tongue forces the water out through the thin, overlapping baleen plates. Thousands of krill are left behind and then swallowed.

Click here to see whales eating.

Blue whales look blue underwater, but on the surface, it looks more of a blue-gray mixture. Their underbellies are yellow-ish from the millions of microorganisms that take up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat haed and a long, tapered body that ends in wide, triangular flukes.
Image result for blue whales bellies
Blue whales are among Earth's longest-lived animals. Scientists have discovered that by counting the layers of a deceased whale's waxlike earplugs, they can get close to the estimate of the animals age. The oldest blue whale found using this method was determined to be about 110 years old!! AWESOME!! :) The average lifespan is about the same as humans. It is around 80-90 years.
Image result for international whaling convention

Aggressive hunting in the 1900s by whalers seeking whale oil drove them to the brink of extinction. Between 1900 and the mid-1960s, some 360,000 blue whales were slaughtered! :( They [luckily] finally came under protection with the 1966 International Whaling Commission, but they've managed only a minor recovery since then [well at LEAST they did :P].

Did you know facts:
- When a blue whale exhales, the spray from its blowhole shoots nearly 30 feet into the air ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
- Blue Whales are the largest animals on earth [DUH, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT ๐Ÿ˜’]
- Blue whales are the loudest animals on the planet > their cries can be louder than a jet engine
- In one day, a blue whale eats more krill than an African Elephant weigh.




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