They are AWESOME because they know everything not like Toby!
WARNING! Overpraise alert!
I, Xuan is an overpraiser. Comment #overpraise if you are one too!
In ENGLISH , JESS is in the highest class and she ALWAYS gets A*( GRADE ) for her SCIENCE test. I bet she will do very well in her ANUAL EXAMS!
XIN YING is very good in drawing cute things. If you want to BUY her drawings it's 4 FOR RM 5. Also, she is very helpful. She helps me with my HISTORY when i need help.

WARNING! Overpraise alert!
I, Xuan is an overpraiser. Comment #overpraise if you are one too!
In ENGLISH , JESS is in the highest class and she ALWAYS gets A*( GRADE ) for her SCIENCE test. I bet she will do very well in her ANUAL EXAMS!
XIN YING is very good in drawing cute things. If you want to BUY her drawings it's 4 FOR RM 5. Also, she is very helpful. She helps me with my HISTORY when i need help.

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