
Showing posts from October, 2017

Teachers View VS Students View

If you are a student at a school, would you weigh the possibilities down? How unfair does it seem?  Too much homework? Ever considered how life is for a teacher? Teacher: Headteacher has told me to tell you that there is no school next week. Students: Yay!!!!! Teacher (To teaching assistant): Let them think the break is for them, it's actually for us... Teacher: Ok class, I give you 5 hours homework, it's due tomorrow, Ok? Students: Ugh! Why so much teacher? Teacher: So I can have time to mark your books. Student 1 [whispering] : I think that teacher is mean. Student 2 [whispering] : Ya, I agree. Teacher: Student 1 and Student 2, you really annoy me when you breathe.  Can you stop breathing for 100 years? Student 1 and Student 2:  Sorry teacher. Student View:  Too much homework, mean teacher who doesn't like you Teacher View: We have to mark students books too often, students are really rude to teacher. Think about it, readers, would

The Lifelong Battles Between Brothers and Sisters

Siblings, ah, siblings, how different would life be if you didn't have siblings? Unlike me, some people don't have any siblings, so they haven't experienced the dreadful bickering that accompanies the prospect of children. Random Family: Sam: Holly, mum said I could have the blue towel. Holly: No Sam, she told you you could have the dark blue one, this one is light. See?? Siblings often bicker about the weirdest things. Here's another good one: *Christmas time* Thomas: Dad, can I hang the angel on the Christmas tree this year? Alice: No Thomas, you hung it on the tree last year, I distinctly remember Dad lifting you up to put it on the tree *Thomas gives Alice a dirty look* Another thing that has been happening forever... My mother is the youngest of 3 children, girls, to be precise.  Constantly, she was picked on by her elder sister. Mum carrying chocolate so she can eat it later, elder sister already eaten he


WOW throwback to my first ever post! But I must say, I'm quite bored myself. I think everyone gets bored once in a while. So here is my compilation of things to do when you're bored (instead of binge-watching Netflix and Youtube). 1. Organise Start to organise small things such as your pantry, desk, computer or wardrobe. It'll make you feel a lot better about yourself when you do something that benefits you in your spare time. 2. List Weirdly, I LOVE listing. From supplies I need for school to a wish list. And it's really fun, trust me. 3. Create Creative things are great to do when you're bored. It doesn't necessarily have to be drawing or painting, you can do things like creating posters, cards, a blog template (Wix is good) and much more! 4. Journal Start a journal! Write down your feelings, how your day went, and anything that you need to let out that you don't want to let out to a friend (hehe, sneaky). 5. Pinterest Browse Pinter

Fun fact 2

What causes the holes in Swiss cheese? That bacteria, more specifically P. shermani, releases carbon dioxide when it consumes the lactic acid and forms bubbles. The bubbles don't just disappear, they form little air pockets, resulting in the holes of the Swiss cheese.

Fun Fact 1

Where is the baobab tree found? There are eight species. Six species live in Madagascar, one in mainland Africa, and one in Australia. The baobab is the national tree of Madagascar. Other common names include 'boab', 'boaboa', 'bottle tree', 'the tree of life', 'upside-down tree', and 'monkey bread tree'. This fact was taken from google, in a "I'm feeling curious" I believe. Did you also know that baobabs are featured in the little prince?

Why 101 is so special

You guyz know the number 101? Yes, it is after 100. And yes, this is my 101st post! WHY is this number SO SPECIAL??? Let's start with some facts (FACS!!! YAY!!!) 1) The number 101 is the 26th prime number 2) In binary, 101 2  is actually 5 3) The number 101, however, is 1100101 2  in binary 4) It is the police non-emergency number in the UK 5) It is an angel number (search it up online) Those are the FACS... But let me state something... 101 is ETERNITIES BIGGER than 100. E.G.  I've done 101 questions of math! However, it makes whatever you are talking about feel more incomplete. E.G. There have been a 101 days of school this year! THAT IS WHY THAT IS IMPORTANT EVEN THOUGH NOTHING THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH  KEYBOARD IS IMPORTANT. Once again, I'm so happy that this is my 101st post!!!!!!!!!!! whee... THE END. Goodbye.

How Do You Know A Ruler Is Accurate??????????

For starters, I know there are too many question marks. Secondly, does every single ruler you see have the exact same measurements, from millicentimetre to millicentimetre ?????????? I mean, look at that pic. The first ruler doesn't even show the actual centimetres themselves.  So what if it is wrong?????????? Now, how veracious do you reckon these rulers are?????????? Completely unreliable... Ruler in Chinese is   ç›´å°º I learnt that when I was 7 years old. In case you were wondering. Which I doubt you were. So yeah... A common line for people that are totally obsessed with English: (I really do not mean you A Peculiar Sort Of Author because you probably will read this post sooner or later.) Question: Annie Jakes-McKay, are you aware that yes has an s at the end? My response typing:  Well, of course.  But yeah sounds so much cooler than yes.  I did hear that it is impolite to say ya though... Rulers.  Are used to measure distances and d

I Have No Idea What To Name This Post

The mist hung over us like a blanket, it's cold fingers probing the goosebumps on our arms.  Clumps of heather stuck out of the ground.  I was furiously polishing my glasses; the vision through them was distorted and unclear.  The mist, again, the heavy atmosphere it created, digging into my thoughts no matter how I tried to remove it. Having already shouted myself hoarse, I curled up into a tiny ball, pretending I was in the warmth of my cosy and comfortable home. The girl looked so helpless, unable to rise from the earth.  The mist was relentlessly pelting against us, so I felt the need to help her. A form appeared out of the swirling mist.  It seemed ten feet tall, but I'm sure it was anything but.  The form bent over me, I could now see that it was about my height.  Still, I couldn't help but cringe away from anyone touching me.  I can't remember the last time I let someone willingly touch me.  It seemed like such a long time ago.  It was such a long time ago.

My 100th Post!

Omg!  This is my 100th post! I am so happy!!! It has been about a year since I started writing on this blog. I have kept writing and writing - now I have 100!!! My life has been building up to this moment!!! (not really, but meh) Today, I would again like to say thank you for reading my blog posts, as without you encouraging me, and if I got 0 views for every post, (maybe 1 view from myself viewing it) I would have stopped posting long ago. Here are all my topics: 1) SHorT StOriES 2) COMMON PHRASES 3) Kitten the Bug 4) Englishness Storyzz 5) Quote of the Week 6) Protect the... 7) Random facts about... 8) ... VS ... 9) How ...  are related to ... 10) ANY OTHER STUFF You should check out all my posts for some HIGH CLASS content and amazingness! Btw, you can follow me on Google+ by clicking my name above! Plus, you can check out my personal blog by clicking THIS . But now, down to business.  Today's post will be about why I blog. Why do I blo

A rubbish post with a hell lot of meaning - Why there is nothing...

There is anything before nothing after before any nothing. We need to understand this. The feelings of emptiness in your life is nothing abnormal. Why we feel this strange feeling when we don't feel like doing anything even thought you have a lot to do is strange. There is nothing after anything before after no anything. We need to understand this. The feelings of awkwardness as we try to fit in is nothing abnormal. Why we feel out of place and left out makes me think of different things and that is strange. There can be nothing after the no nothingness and some somethingness in our afterwards beginnings. The feelings of dumbness overtake imagination in the race for a better life. Why we feel we are worth nothing make us feel like nothing in a something type of way. That is strange. 2 times I have told myself that there is something before nothing in nothing, but there would then be nothing in something before something. There would be something in nothing in something. So t


Long time no post... LOL We have just created an instagram account for our blogs!! User - blogsawesome Follow us! Okay, lets got to work So if you want to be SUPER organised, make these organisation boxes. All you need is: - Recyclable boxes - Scissors (Optional) - Paint (Optional) - Marker (Optional) You can actually just use boxes and its done!! 1) I used eye drop boxes (the ones that comes with eye drops) and cut them into the shape/height i want them to be (Optional) 2) Then I paint them (Optional) 3) Then i wrote positive stuff on it (Optional) EVERYTHING IS OPTIONAL All you to do to make the world's EASIEST organisation boxes, are just the boxes itself!!! Hopefully you fully understood the instructions and enjoyed making these! If you have any questions or DIY's you want to make, comment down below! Have a good life! :)


WHY DO US HUMAN CREATE SUCH DUMB SONGS ABOUT ANIMALS ??!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!!!!? There is an infinite amount of them so here r the top 3 No.1 Narwhals They live in the ocean and cause commotion cuz they are so awesome Rly upbeat and lively. Its kinda funny. No.2 Duck He wants grapes COMPLETELY DUMB there is also 2 other songs still about the duck No.3 Nyan Cat MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW ttps:// ?Confusing? Its nyan cat in different languages. That's 3 annoying songs. They will most probably get stuck in your head for a long time.  If u think that there is a even more annoying, catchy animal song, tell me about it in the comments!!!!!!!!  PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS!!! ~guess who this is~ (guyz, it's the PFU, I hope Toby doesn't see this... I'm

Melons In General

If you are a committed reader, you will have read my other post about melons "Water Melon VS Watermelon" This one is about melons in general as the title says. Jessica Gan and I were talking about this a couple of days ago. That Cantaloupe and Rock Melon is the same thing. Google: How many types of melon are there And you will get: Watermelon Muskmelon Zucchini Field Pumpkin Crookneck Pumpkin However, I have recently learnt that Google is unreliable and can be updated by someone who is four years old. Besides, it doesn't include rock melon/cantaloupe, or honeydew. So ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right... So yeah... I can't think of anything to write so.... BAI!

Something's coming part 2 (discontinued)

I turned and I saw nothing. Kayla Greene started getting on my nerves. I was exhausted and set on edge. "There's nothing there." "Eight eyes. Eight red eyes." "Eight eyes?" "Yes." I started laughing without humour. "What's so funny? There are eight eyes! He's coming to get me." "No, Miss Greene, nothing's there. You're ridiculous." "You're right, nothing's there," she looked puzzled and confused and then she knocked her head with the bottom of her palm just to make sure there wasn't anything. There wasn't. "Officer." "Miss Greene?" "Am I going mad?" "I'm afraid you already are, Miss Greene." "Being mad isn't fun," she said, sighing and frowning, "You see things." "Well you aren't seeing anything now are you?" "No." "Then you're sane; at least for a moment. Miss Gree


DIDN'T you say you'd be on hiatus? Yes– THEN WHY ARE YOU POSTING?!! Okay, okay. I hear you. Now, hear me out. Because I'm on hiatus, I am making posts while I can before being away for like three months or so. NOW THAT I'VE EXPLAINED, DON'T KILL ME!!!!!! On to the actual topic~ ANOTHER SHORT STORY BASED ON A PHRASE! If you don't know what that is, look at my other post, titled (creatively)  THIS IS A NEW POST.  (<---there it is) AND THE PHRASE IS... [monochrome] [location] ...Okay. LET'S START! ••• Every day I walk down to my monochrome location. Nothing has changed for the past six years. I work a monochrome job in a monochrome location with my monochrome colleagues. But today, I have this feeling that something's different. And trust me, my instinct knows well if something's different in this monochrome town with my monochrome location and monochrome people. I think this change... is colour. ••• These monoch

Alpha Bet VS Alphabet

Who will win this intense battle? The Alpha Bet... See how it looks like by clicking this... Or, the Alphabet.. See how it looks like by clicking this... Introduction: Alpha Bet: - best in everything - created the first greek bet - super competitive - a type of evil clown Alphabet: - very serious when talking about blood loss - made vampires out of sunbeams - very competitive - a type of vampire but not Strengths: Alpha bet: - can steal whatever skill its opponent has Alphabet: - can contort into any alphabet - can kill with just one bite - can shoot blood from fangs - great at combat Weaknesses: Alpha bet: - takes 10 seconds of charging to steal skills Alphabet: - recites the alphabet when exposed to sunlight Let the battle BEGIN! Alpha bet lashes out and throws Alphabet to the ground to begin stealing a skill.  skill stolen - alphabet contortion Alphabet recovers and spurts poisonous blood into Alpha bet's face. Alpha bet trie


OKAY, HI. Today I am going to help you guys in making digital graphics, posters and cards. BUT PLEASE BEWARE I AM NO PROFESSIONAL. I JUST LIKE GRAPHIC DESIGN. I'll be using Canva for everything here if you're wondering. ~ Right, let's begin. I will give you some examples that I have created and point out the details. Here I have made a card. Now, here are points to take: • Text is in the centre, bold and clear. • Confetti in the background so it's more interesting. • Not too busy or hectic. Here I have made a poster. Points to take: • Image as background instead of plain colour. • white boxes for text (slightly transparent so the image in the background can peek through). • Fonts compliment each other. • Colours compliment each other. • Common theme Finally, here I've made a wallpaper/desktop picture. Points to take: • The little images in the background are all PNG or have a white background.

hiatus + hair tips

HONESTLY, the last time I posted was maybe two or three months ago? I won't lie. It's been a while. Not only that, but I haven't any inspiration to write either. BUT HEY, I'M BACK. That being said, I'll be on hiatus, meaning I'll not be blogging for quite a while, for the same reason I've been gone. Now, on to the actual topic; hair. I have monstrous, frizzy, long, straight, tangled, not very thick messy hair. It takes me up to fifteen minutes to finish brushing my wet hair. So I thought I'd spare you guys some tips on how to manage hair like mine. 1: CONSTANTLY brush it. I know it may be trouble some but it really helps from saving your hair from being Tangela after not brushing it for a while. 2: Brushing technique. It is easier to rid of tangles if you brush the tips of your hair first, then work upwards until you reach your roots. 3: DO NOT PULL. When your hair is tangled, I know that it's very frustrating to brush therefore you

The alphabet

Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Rr  Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  Zz. That is what you call THE ALPHABET. (which is basically all the letters we use to write stuff in english and a few other languages) This is another form of the alphabet, which is not really the alphabet but is... Ã¥∫ç∂´Æ’©˙^∆˚¬Âµ~øπœ®ÃŸ†¨√∑≈¥Î© ~ø∑  ^  ˚~ø∑  Âµ¥  Ã¥∫ç'ß  ~´≈†  †^µ´  ∑ø~'†  ¥Ã¸¨  ÃŸ^~©  ∑^†˙  Âµ´.     You really don't have to waste your life decoding that so don't bother... This post is just rubbish, so look forward to my next post (alpha bet VS alphabet) Have a good life of wasting your life - BAI!    p.s. Here are some Xtra details: A for apple B for banana C for carrot D for donut E for egg F for fish G for grapes H for hamburger I for ice cream J for jelly K for ..........

Water Melon VS Watermelon

Tickets are selling out to watch the Water Melon VS Watermelon.  All thanks to Jessica Gan for organizing the show. Water Melon:   +   = Watery Melon a. k. a. Water Melon Statistics: Fear Factor..........2 Attack.................9 Speed..................4 Size.....................7 Disobedience.....10 Colour: Green on the outside, and orange and clear in the middle (clear representing water) Nasty Bits: Can spurt boiling water at you Ability to read minds Watermelon:   = Watermelon Statistics: Fear Factor.................4 Attack......................8 Speed........................6 Size........................4 Disobedience............3 Colour: Green skin, red flesh. Nasty Bits: Can shoot seeds at you Learns from every attack its enemy makes. Water Melon and Watermelon meet: Water Melon spurts boiling water at Watermelon. Watermelon doesn't see the attack coming, so Watermelon loses a limb. Water Melon tries to re