Lazy Quotes!!!
Are you lazy? I certainly am... Here are some absolutely random lazy quotes!!! #1 - Lazy people fact #1294405234709248 You were too lazy to read that number #2 - If I won the award for laziness, I'd send someone to pick it up for me #3 - I DO exercise! I surf the internet every day!!! #4 - Yesterday, I did nothing... Today I am finishing what I did yesterday!!! #5 - Why would I run away from hard work? I'm too lazy to run #6 - Q: What are your two most favourite subjects? A: Lunchtime and breaktime #7 - I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to not do anything #8 - Study......Stud......Stu......St......S......Sl......Sle...... Slee......Sleep #9 - The world is full of willing people... Some willing to work; And some willing to let them #10 - The farther away the remote is, the more I like what's already on TV #11 - I spilt water, better wipe it up let it dry. #12 - Terms and Con