
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lazy Quotes!!!

Are you lazy? I certainly am... Here are some absolutely random lazy quotes!!! #1 -  Lazy people fact #1294405234709248 You were too lazy to read that number #2 -  If I won the award for laziness, I'd send someone to pick it up for me #3 -  I DO exercise!  I surf the internet every day!!! #4 -  Yesterday, I did nothing... Today I am finishing what I did yesterday!!! #5 -  Why would I run away from hard work? I'm too lazy to run #6 -  Q: What are your two most favourite subjects? A: Lunchtime and breaktime #7 -  I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to not do anything #8 -  Study......Stud......Stu......St......S......Sl......Sle...... Slee......Sleep #9 -  The world is full of willing people... Some willing to work; And some willing to let them #10 -  The farther away the remote is, the more I like what's already on TV #11 -  I spilt water, better wipe it up  let it dry. #12 -  Terms and Con

5 Books You can NEVER get bored of ! ! !

I have a lot of books at home, yet I only read some of them again and again and again. This is because you can never get bored of these books. They are incredibly entertaining and have certain parts I really enjoy. #1 - The Harry Potter Series The Harry Potter Series is a series many people around the world read in many different languages. As a 12 year old, I really enjoy this series. The world of magic just never gets boring! #2 - The Rangers Apprentice Series John Flanagan is not the world's most well known author, but he sure writes some good adventure.  What he comes up with never ceases to amaze you. #3 - Wonder This book by R J Palacio is one you can never put down! I literally read it four times in a week and it is my go to book whenever I don't know what I should read. #4 - Of Mice and Men Though this is a literature book by John Steinbeck is used in the English Literature IGCSE exams and is stereotypically 'boring', it is incredibly captivating

Tactics: How To Fall Asleep

Sleeping is something that every person needs.  Your body and mind recur, your eyes close, and your posture relaxes.  You can be on the verge of unconsciousness. If you read Jessica Gan's posts, you'll notice that she also made a post about sleeping.  I am not, I repeat, not copying her.  This is about how to sleep.  But, there's a catch, unfortunately you have to read a bunch of other stuff first.  Of course, you could just skip to the tips part. The average twelve-year-old child needs 10-11 hours of sleep.  And the average twelve-year-old usually gets 8-9 hours of sleep. Teenagers: They typically need: 8-9 hours They typically get: 4-6 hours Only recently did I hear that my fourteen and sixteen-year-old male cousins have not been sleeping a wink all night. That's what scientific studies show.  The last time I checked.  Which was a long time ago. Let's move on... Tips: #1:  Concentrate on breathing heavily.  Actually, consciously, be breathing h

2 o'clock - Eliya's English Story

A/N: This was written for English class. The same English class as Annie. So if you've seen her blog (Annie's English Story), it's the same class. OK SO NOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT (even though you didn't have to know) HERE WE GO... ••• 2 o'clock: strong moonlight, few stars. My feet dangled from the edge of the rooftop. Although I sat here every night, there seemed to always be something new to notice. This has always been my safe spot, my comfort zone. Being here, fifty feet above plain buildings and empty roads, it was special to me. It gives me a break from my hectic life in the orphanage. It's always been me, myself and I– "Delilah?" A curious voice from behind me spoke. "Lincoln?" I asked back. It is quite unusual for someone else to be up here and not have jumped off yet. Without warning, I shuddered at the orphans who I have watched take their lives. "Delilah? Are you going to jump too? Like Jon and Khat? Please don't, I


SADLY, the end of this relaxing holiday is coming to an end. Now, as students, we have to get used to sleeping and waking up early and putting our brain to good use.  It has been a glorious 1 and a half months of summer, but I wish it'd last forever. BUT, I am not going back to school immediately (lucky me)! I'll have to go to Singapore tomorrow and when I come back, I must attend some family matters. SO YAY!! But school isn't that bad. School is good. School means we'll have a brighter future (for most). So don't be sad, just get up and deal with it, because everyone has to. (*starts singing*  we're all in this together ) I won't be posting as much (even though I don't post that much to begin with lol) so in the mean time, read Jess' posts, or XY's. Or Toby's. Or Annie's. Or basically anyone else's from the #AWESOME squad. I have posted loads of things to do when you are bored. So if you don't know what to do, read

How To Enjoy A Vacation/Staycation

If you are rich, you will take your vacation somewhere crazy in the world like Paris.  France, you know.  If you are me, you will have a staycation at home. Difference between vacation and staycation: Vacation:  Posh organized holiday. Staycation: A holiday at home 😊 I really don't know how to explain what you do on a vacation.  I guess you have to say something along these lines:  OMG, it's the holidays, I have to stay up all night. When I'm on a staycation, I do the opposite. To enjoy a staycation, do something you love to do.  There is only one limitation:  You're at home... That limits practically anything fun... Unless you define fun as something entirely different to what I define fun... If we're gonna stay on topic, like enjoying the vacation/staycation the answer is "I don't know" Maybe I could have just said that at the beginning to avoid all this... MEH!

Probably like after 1 billion years later (THE STORY OF MY SUMMER HOLIDAY)

HAHAHA Haven't posted in like about 1 and a half months now... or maybe more than that. If you're wondering why i titled this post "Probably like after 1 billion years later" Well, here is the reason why. And it is a loooong story. Summer holidays for my school is about 6 weeks. Yes, Many schools has summer holidays longer than 6 weeks and you may be really excited about that. You could be travelling, having playdates, parties and all kinds of fun stuff. As for meeee... It is kinda the other way aroouunndddddddd. Yes it may sound weird because 90% of the people who has summer holidays in their schools are SUPER excited, talking about what you are going to do for the summer holidays at the last day of school. Well here is the loooong story. First day of summer holidays was sorta kinda okay but like... It was booooooorrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg. I am being 100% honest here. Okay, booooooorrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg may not be the best word to describe a summer


AS with all the other #AWESOME bloggers, I too will explain my lack of posts. It is summer, although summer is ending. I can't use the computer very often because I don't have my own (I use my brother's) I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO POST. But, I do now. So I baked some cookies earlier and I nearly messed everything up. So, I want to save you guys from making the same mistakes I did. 1: Constantly check the recipe thoroughly. What I did not do that you should do is constantly check the recipe. After each step. Take your time so that you do not mix the flour and sugar (idiot me did exactly that). If you did make the 'mixing flour and sugar' mistake (when making cookies, I don't know if it works for cakes) do not fear, for I saved myself from making this an epic fail by using brown sugar. Luckily, I had not yet put the brown sugar into the dry ingredients, so I mixed that with the butter instead of white sugar. it also creates a very nic


2048 is basically a game where your goal is to make 2048 out of only the '2' and '4' tile. You combine them like this : 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64 - 128 - 256 - 512 - 1024 - 2048! And, if you are AMAZING, you may even get higher than that. The rule is that you can only combine the same tiles together. You have a 4  ×  4 grid and when you fill it up, you lose. Here is my method of playing 2048... Always keep to the right and place your main numbers there, the bigger the number, the higher. Then build around them with your smaller numbers. Here is a video to help you if you don't understand!!! Now, what you shouldn't do is go down when your bottom right space is empty or can be emptied. This is how it will look...  There isn't much to say after this, just be careful when playing and DON'T mess up!!! Happy 2048 everyone!!!

How To Say Goodbye To Someone

Goodbye is an exclamation used to make good wishes when parting with someone. If you are super soppy, you will make your goodbye full of hugs and kisses. If you are trying to be cool all the time like Awesomeness Burrito the way to do it is to fist bump or something weird like that. If you are a posh British person, you will purse your lips and say farewell. If you are a traditional teenager, then you will not have the need to say goodbye for you will be lurking in the depths of your bedroom on a device texting.  However, when you need to go to the bathroom or eat a meal, you will say ttyl or gtg, or even bai.  Agh!  Teenagers! If you are a normal #Awesome Blogger, not hinting that anyone is out of the ordinary.  *Cough, cough, definitely not Awesomeness Burrito, cough, cough*, then you will just say goodbye and stalk off.  See?  Pre-teens are pretty bad... I don't really know what the normal person is like.  Once I heard someone say Bye! Another time, I was privilege

How calculators are related to pineapples

Calculators act like a brain. I don't have a brain. I have a sister. She is 18 years old. R is the 18th letter of the alphabet. Elliethatnerd's favourite word starting with R is rendezvous. Rendezvous isn't pronounced as ren-dez-vous. Hour is also not pronounced as h-our. An hour consists of 60 minutes. There are 1440 minutes in a day. Today is Sunday. It is going to rain. I like rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns dance on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns are fluffy. This carpet is fluffy. This carpet is yellow and green. Pineapples are yellow and green. THEREFORE 《pineapples ARE related to calculators》

Why Is NOBODY posting these days???

EH??? WHY IS NOBODY POSTING THESE DAYS??? I am quite sure it is because of the fact that many of us usually go to school, but now it is the summer holidays, therefore a lot of us may be on holiday or are just so lazy to post that MEH!!! Or it is because we can't think of anything to post about!!! Or it is because we just don't post because we forget to!!! I am not sure about the other bloggers, but I have not been posting that much because of my tight summer holidays home tuition and tuition tuition schedules and also because I went to Singapore for some random boring(ish) stuff. From now on, I shall strongly encourage all our bloggers to post quite frequently (once a week) to make sure that we have new things for you #AWESOME readers to entertain yourselves with. Please keep checking this blog for frequent content!!!! 

Kitten The Bug - My Secret Diary - Ep 7

If you are a happy bug, that's nice. If you have a friend  called Tara who is a secret spy, maybe that's not so nice. I thought Tara was an innocent friend of mine. Officially, unofficially, quote unquote she is an "International Jewel Smuggler" (*Hint: Read Ep 6 : Kitten The Bug - Who is Tara, really - Ep6 ) I've found that having a secret is diary is the most useful thing to do. When I found out who Tara was, I wrote it all down in my diary in bug language.  Weirdly, my diary started writing back to me in English.  It said: Fi hist Atra si yuor dinerf, hyw si hes mose hifet?  Which, according to my translator, of course means: If this Tara is your friend, why is she some thief? Yep, I was worried. But, strangely, I found this funny. It reminded me of Harry Potter. In bug language Harry Potter is an evil enchanter who gets fooled by a good person who was banished into a book, but that doesn't make me that evil enchanter, Ok?  Besides, that was


HELLO once again. Today I am going to do something new. You realise that most of my recent blogs are all a surprise (as I never tell what I'm doing in the title). This is an experiment to see how many people will click on a post without knowing its content (well, other than knowing it'll be #AWESOME). If you're reading this then CONGRATS! Thanks for putting up with my unbelievable and kinda stupid content. Eh. SO FINALLY I SHALL REVEAL WHAT I AM DOING... SHORT STORIES BASED ON A RANDOM PHRASE.  As its name states, I will pick random words and write a short story out of those words. Sounds exciting? Great! If not, well... too bad (but please read it still lol). The Random Word Generator shall be my best friend. THE WORDS TODAY ARE... *drumroll* [twentieth] [telescope] THE TWENTIETH TELESCOPE Navy blue roamed the giant landscape that is the sky. Stars glistened, Janice listened. Very faintly she heard the crash of waves surrounding her. But that isn't wh


NOW I'm just lazy to come up with titles. But if I got you, then... I dunno. On to the actual thing I was talking about. Let's play a game. Well, really I'm playing a game. I don't think you'd get involved by writing comments so instead, the ol' random word generator. You can use this story and try it with friends too. You may be slightly confused by what I'm saying. Let me clarify what we're doing, if you haven't already guessed – MAD LIBS! Also, in case you didn't already know, mad libs is where a story is written with blank spaces left that will change the plot. I'll show you this picture as an example: Got it? Now I'll come up with a story first using a random word generator to come up with the story. Word(s): [grey] [orb] Well, I guess I'll be writing a story about a grey orb. Once, in a/an [adjective, e.g. small, mystical] village, there was a [building, e.g. apartment, cottage].   It was hidden in the sense wher


Holidayz............ A good waste of time. U have so much free time to do whatever u want. UNLESS  U HAVE SOME TUITION OR SUMMER CAMP. = Good or Bad U GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY 4 VACATION = GOOD  U GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY FOR AN EDUCATIONAL SUMMER CAMP = BAD U SUDDENLY GO INTO A COMA =VERY BAD those r the good n bad OF ZE HOLIDAY. In my holiday : -I went overseas -Watched 4 seasons of GLEE -Finished 3 Seasons of  STVFOE -Wrote a blog But in this time i went on a journey of self discovery. and i completed it... TO FIND OUT MORE, GIVE THIS BLOG 50000000000000 VIEWS ! (Like it totally is going to happen...)

What is the Difference between HOUSE and HOME?

Firstly, take some of these sentences and replace home with house... 1) Let's go home!  ✔️     Let's go house!  ❌ 2) Home sweet home!  ✔️     House sweet house!  ❌ 3) It's time for homecoming!  ✔️     It's time for housecoming!  ❌ 4) Let's go homeward!  ✔️     Let's go houseward!  ❌ 5) I am homeless...  ✔️     I am houseless...  ❌ 6) This place is home to many strange creatures...  ✔️     This place is house to many strange creatures...  ❌ Think about it for a minute... HOUSE means a building where you live as a home and HOME means your place of living. But... Those are the same things aren't they??? Let's check the online definition of HOME... The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Now let's check the online definition of HOUSE... A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people. What is the difference??