SADLY, the end of this relaxing holiday is coming to an end. Now, as students, we have to get used to sleeping and waking up early and putting our brain to good use. 

It has been a glorious 1 and a half months of summer, but I wish it'd last forever.

BUT, I am not going back to school immediately (lucky me)!

I'll have to go to Singapore tomorrow and when I come back, I must attend some family matters. SO YAY!!

But school isn't that bad. School is good. School means we'll have a brighter future (for most).

So don't be sad, just get up and deal with it, because everyone has to. (*starts singing* we're all in this together)

I won't be posting as much (even though I don't post that much to begin with lol) so in the mean time, read Jess' posts, or XY's. Or Toby's. Or Annie's. Or basically anyone else's from the #AWESOME squad.

I have posted loads of things to do when you are bored. So if you don't know what to do, read my post! But beware because it was my first post and most likely VERY cringe-worthy. Read it anyway though (pls i'm desperate)


~ e l i y a 


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