How To Say Goodbye To Someone

Goodbye is an exclamation used to make good wishes when parting with someone.

If you are super soppy, you will make your goodbye full of hugs and kisses.

If you are trying to be cool all the time like Awesomeness Burrito the way to do it is to fist bump or something weird like that.

If you are a posh British person, you will purse your lips and say farewell.

If you are a traditional teenager, then you will not have the need to say goodbye for you will be lurking in the depths of your bedroom on a device texting.  However, when you need to go to the bathroom or eat a meal, you will say ttyl or gtg, or even bai.  Agh!  Teenagers!

If you are a normal #Awesome Blogger, not hinting that anyone is out of the ordinary.  *Cough, cough, definitely not Awesomeness Burrito, cough, cough*, then you will just say goodbye and stalk off.  See?  Pre-teens are pretty bad...

I don't really know what the normal person is like.  Once I heard someone say Bye!

Another time, I was privileged enough, so someone asked me to sign their shirt.  The world is full of strange people.

You should come up with your own goodbye, be it a handshake or anything...

Maybe that's asking too much.  I was just joking!


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