2 o'clock - Eliya's English Story

A/N: This was written for English class. The same English class as Annie. So if you've seen her blog (Annie's English Story), it's the same class. OK SO NOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT (even though you didn't have to know) HERE WE GO...


2 o'clock: strong moonlight, few stars. My feet dangled from the edge of the rooftop. Although I sat here every night, there seemed to always be something new to notice. This has always been my safe spot, my comfort zone. Being here, fifty feet above plain buildings and empty roads, it was special to me. It gives me a break from my hectic life in the orphanage. It's always been me, myself and I–

"Delilah?" A curious voice from behind me spoke.
"Lincoln?" I asked back. It is quite unusual for someone else to be up here and not have jumped off yet. Without warning, I shuddered at the orphans who I have watched take their lives.

"Delilah? Are you going to jump too? Like Jon and Khat? Please don't, I need you." Seven-year-old Lincoln begged, concern and helplessness vivid in his tone. Lincoln and I were practically siblings.
"Linc, I really won't. Why are you here anyway?" Frankly, I was quite worried.
Looking at the tattered teddy bear clutched in his arms, I figured he must have recently been asleep.

"There were monsters under my bed. They kept on asking me to come with them and join my mum and dad," Lincoln explained, rubbing his eyes. "I needed to find you." When he stopped talking, my eyes widened.  Lincoln's parents went missing five years ago, and never returned.

As I was about to speak, a pale hand grabbed Lincoln from behind. Out of shock, I shrieked and began shouting. "LINCOLN! LINCOLN!" I skimmed the moonlit roof in search of my best friend.

I gave up searching for him and carefully tiptoed my way to my bedroom. I promised to file a report in the morning. Sobbing softly, I crept into bed. Then, I heard a noise. As I decided it was nothing, I pulled my pink duvet over my body when I heard a voice. It sounded exactly like Lincoln's, coming from under my bed.
"Delilah, come on. Join me, join us..."


A/N: Hope you liked it! The sequel will come up if I get some comments stating that they want to see it, for I post what the people want. ;)


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