AS with all the other #AWESOME bloggers, I too will explain my lack of posts.

It is summer, although summer is ending.

I can't use the computer very often because I don't have my own (I use my brother's)


But, I do now.

So I baked some cookies earlier and I nearly messed everything up. So, I want to save you guys from making the same mistakes I did.

1: Constantly check the recipe thoroughly.

What I did not do that you should do is constantly check the recipe. After each step. Take your time so that you do not mix the flour and sugar (idiot me did exactly that). If you did make the 'mixing flour and sugar' mistake (when making cookies, I don't know if it works for cakes) do not fear, for I saved myself from making this an epic fail by using brown sugar. Luckily, I had not yet put the brown sugar into the dry ingredients, so I mixed that with the butter instead of white sugar. it also creates a very nice cookie texture, so bonus point!

2: It's completely okay if your wet ingredients begin to curdle.

If your butter-sugar-egg mixture or anything similar begins to curdle, you shouldn't worry. If you want to fix this, just either add a tablespoon of flour into the mixture, or, just continue making the recipe. Everything should be fine once dry ingredients are added.

3: Evenly distribute the flavours.

Make sure you mix thoroughly because you don't want to bite into a baked good such as a cupcake and suddenly taste salt. I cannot tell you how many times I've tasted an unevenly-flavoured cookie! To prevent this, just make sure you just mix evenly and thoroughly! Simple but very useful, trust me.

4: Flavour combos

Some things taste super good together and some just.... don't. Here are my personal favourites and personal dislikes. NOTE THAT THESE ARE MY PERSONAL OPINION, NOT NECESSARILY YOURS.

Lemon + strawberry
Chocolate + banana
Orange + rosemary
Blueberry + raspberry
Lemon + chocolate
Chocolate + rosemary
Orange + matcha
Blueberry + chocolate


I find that baking good treats take time, patience, and a positive attitude. Don't rush or stress out, for it will show in your work. Instead, I'd recommend a friend, music and willingness. And also effort. I think that usually laziness will result in sloppiness. Make sure to have a bit of fun, it'll boost your self-motivation, I can assure you. You can do anything if you set your mind to it (woah when did this become therapy). So just chill, relax and bake!

So that's all I have to say. Also sorry for posting at 12 a.m. if you're in my timezone.

~ e l i y a 


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