Probably like after 1 billion years later (THE STORY OF MY SUMMER HOLIDAY)

HAHAHA Haven't posted in like about 1 and a half months now... or maybe more than that.

If you're wondering why i titled this post "Probably like after 1 billion years later" Well, here is the reason why. And it is a loooong story.

Summer holidays for my school is about 6 weeks. Yes, Many schools has summer holidays longer than 6 weeks and you may be really excited about that. You could be travelling, having playdates, parties and all kinds of fun stuff. As for meeee... It is kinda the other way aroouunndddddddd. Yes it may sound weird because 90% of the people who has summer holidays in their schools are SUPER excited, talking about what you are going to do for the summer holidays at the last day of school. Well here is the loooong story.

First day of summer holidays was sorta kinda okay but like... It was booooooorrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg. I am being 100% honest here. Okay, booooooorrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg may not be the best word to describe a summer holiday but.... It is really boring for me. Especially when you can't go on holidays or vacations because your brother is not in the same school as you and the school does not have summer holidays... So all I did for like... the next 2 weeks was following my mom around and going for ballet classes 4 times a week. I am fine with that but... [Gonna go into another paragraph just because it is much easier to understand]

If you calculate mathematically, let's say you are awake for about 16 hours a day.

- Wake up at 7 [Yes, very early for summer holidays but i have grown too much. Need less sleep so that I don't grow as much]

- Eat breakfast [About 10 mins] - [15 1/2 hours left]

- Brush teeth and stuff (Changing clothes not included) [About 5 mins] - [15 hours 25 mins left]

- Watch youtube (P.S one of the days my mom took away my computer for about 4 days) [30 mins] - [14 hours 55 mins left]

- Follow mom to go do stuff [30 mins] - [14 hours 25 mins left]

- Eat lunch [30 mins] - [13 hours 55 mins left]

- Do something idk what

- Mom taking me to the gym with her just because i am bored [1 hour] - [12 hours 55 mins left]

- Shower [10 mins] - [12 hours 45 mins left]

- Do something idk what

- Ballet [1 1/2 hours] - [11 hours 15 mins left]

- Eat dinner [30 mins] - [10 hours 45 mins left]

- Rinse sweat off my body [2 min] - [10 hours 43 left]

- Sleep

That's sorta almost my summer holiday daily routine.

Yes. It is bo-ring.

Please understand how I feel.

Also, the remaining 10 hours and 43 mins is when i technically do nothing. I could be reading a book, walking around a house wondering what I should do or a playdate.


I actually only followed my mom to do stuff about twice out of 42 days.

I actually only followed my mom to gym only twice out of 42 days.

I actually go to ballet 4 times a week which is only 24 times out of 42 days.

If you think about it... I actually have like... 14 hours of doing nothing.


I have 2 days left until boredom is over. YAY

But... I actually have 6 days until school starts...


Because... I have a 7-day ballet workshop on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday is when i start school. YAY

So i take up 3 hours of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday WHICH IS GOOD. And i think on Thursday, I am staying back to watch the older and more professional people dance in the workshop. 3 hours. Plus lunch break. I don't know how long that is but like yeah about 6 and a hlf hours of 16 hours taken away. How awesome is that.

Okay that is it for todays blog and I hope you guys had an awesome summer holiday, not like mine and have a good time too, not like mine.

Kay bai
Have a good life. :(


  1. aw sad... but at least you do productive things... i sit at home and clean my house a bit and watch youtube all day. lol


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