How calculators are related to pineapples

Calculators act like a brain.

I don't have a brain.

I have a sister.

She is 18 years old.

R is the 18th letter of the alphabet.

Elliethatnerd's favourite word starting with R is rendezvous.

Rendezvous isn't pronounced as ren-dez-vous.

Hour is also not pronounced as h-our.

An hour consists of 60 minutes.

There are 1440 minutes in a day.

Today is Sunday.

It is going to rain.

I like rainbows.

Pink fluffy unicorns dance on rainbows.

Pink fluffy unicorns are fluffy.

This carpet is fluffy.

This carpet is yellow and green.

Pineapples are yellow and green.

《pineapples ARE related to calculators》


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