Kitten The Bug - My Secret Diary - Ep 7

If you are a happy bug, that's nice.

If you have a friend called Tara who is a secret spy, maybe that's not so nice.

I thought Tara was an innocent friend of mine. Officially, unofficially, quote unquote she is an "International Jewel Smuggler"

(*Hint: Read Ep 6 : Kitten The Bug - Who is Tara, really - Ep6)

I've found that having a secret is diary is the most useful thing to do.

When I found out who Tara was, I wrote it all down in my diary in bug language.  Weirdly, my diary started writing back to me in English.  It said: Fi hist Atra si yuor dinerf, hyw si hes mose hifet?  Which, according to my translator, of course means: If this Tara is your friend, why is she some thief?

Yep, I was worried.

But, strangely, I found this funny. It reminded me of Harry Potter. In bug language Harry Potter is an evil enchanter who gets fooled by a good person who was banished into a book, but that doesn't make me that evil enchanter, Ok?  Besides, that was only book 163. There's loads more even better stories.

Anyway, I had rushed over to tell Tara the news, and she revealed that she wasn't an international jewel smuggler, but she was actually an enchanter.  Oh my buggy heavens I was amazed!

She enchanted Fluffy and Sid.  They became flying dolphinny fishes!  Tara made them super small and we whooshed down the plug.

It smelled funny.  I wanted to roll up in my blanket and stay there forever.

Moldy water was all around me as I plunged into unconsciousness.


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