Why Is NOBODY posting these days???


I am quite sure it is because of the fact that many of us usually go to school, but now it is the summer holidays, therefore a lot of us may be on holiday or are just so lazy to post that MEH!!!

Or it is because we can't think of anything to post about!!!

Or it is because we just don't post because we forget to!!!

I am not sure about the other bloggers, but I have not been posting that much because of my tight summer holidays home tuition and tuition tuition schedules and also because I went to Singapore for some random boring(ish) stuff.

From now on, I shall strongly encourage all our bloggers to post quite frequently (once a week) to make sure that we have new things for you #AWESOME readers to entertain yourselves with.

Please keep checking this blog for frequent content!!!! 


  1. Sigh... I am not posting just cuz i dun feel like it for some weird reason... Too busy spending my time trying to think of something to do... Other than blogging lol soz :) Also... I might be posting about once a month when school starts because well, planning on focusing on school and see what happens... :)


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