How To Enjoy A Vacation/Staycation

If you are rich, you will take your vacation somewhere crazy in the world like Paris.  France, you know.  If you are me, you will have a staycation at home.

Difference between vacation and staycation:

Vacation:  Posh organized holiday.

Staycation: A holiday at home 😊

I really don't know how to explain what you do on a vacation.  I guess you have to say something along these lines:  OMG, it's the holidays, I have to stay up all night.

When I'm on a staycation, I do the opposite.

To enjoy a staycation, do something you love to do.  There is only one limitation:  You're at home...

That limits practically anything fun...

Unless you define fun as something entirely different to what I define fun...

If we're gonna stay on topic, like enjoying the vacation/staycation the answer is "I don't know"

Maybe I could have just said that at the beginning to avoid all this...



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