What is the Difference between HOUSE and HOME?

Firstly, take some of these sentences and replace home with house...

1) Let's go home! ✔️
    Let's go house! ❌

2) Home sweet home! ✔️
    House sweet house! ❌

3) It's time for homecoming! ✔️
    It's time for housecoming! ❌

4) Let's go homeward! ✔️
    Let's go houseward! ❌

5) I am homeless... ✔️
    I am houseless... ❌

6) This place is home to many strange creatures... ✔️
    This place is house to many strange creatures... ❌

Think about it for a minute...

HOUSE means a building where you live as a home and
HOME means your place of living.
Image result for home

Those are the same things aren't they???

Let's check the online definition of HOME...
The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

Now let's check the online definition of HOUSE...
A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.

What is the difference???

Look at the word "one" in the definition of HOME and the word "human" in the definition of HOUSE.
The word "one" could mean that anything can live in a HOME, but, looking at the word "human", we know that only humans can live in HOUSES.

Next, look at the word "place" compared to "building".
The word "place" means 'anywhere in general' but a "building" is 'a man made structure'.

Finally, the ending of both definitions are pretty similar, aren't they?

No they aren't...

"a member of a family or household"
"a family or a small group of people"

The keyword is "member".

"Member" implies that you do NOT own the house, but you are just a part of the family that does.

The home is just your place of living.

e.g. MY HOME could mean where I live with my family


e.g. MY HOUSE means that I bought it and I am saying that it is MINE.



Anyway, so her is the difference in a few simple lines...

Your HOME isn't necessarily owned by you but it is your place of living. HOME could also be another thing's place of living. Your HOUSE is a man made structure you stay in which is yours. It is lived in by only humans.




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