
Showing posts from 2017

Commenting as...

To those of you who were tricked by Jessica Gan's recent post... Well, if I come to think about it, the post wasn't that recent. The "Acronyames" post.  I am really put off. However, I know I am wasting your time by saying this, but I bestow apologies upon my readers for my lack of posting.  I have an extreme case of "Posting-o-itis" which is a case that I possess. I am in deep trouble.  I am already on stage 1987.... And that's the penultimate stage... I feel nausea, there are dark spots clouding my vision, and I feel the end is near. And that Jessica Gan, she tricked all you readers into thinking it was easy to come up with those lies about me. I will reveal the truth!!!!! Shortly... Ultimately, (and firstly), I am a human.  Sometimes, I think I am a chicken. Or even an otter. Ok, Jessica Gan says it was easy to come up with an acronyame for me, talking about false rumours that make me innovative, excellent and amazing (nice and...


WOW  it has been such a long time. To be exact, about 3 months. I think. On to the topic of this post. So, there are loads of situations that you may get yourself into like a party or gathering, and sometimes you just don't feel like socialising therefore you don't want to go. It happens. Instead of hurting your friends' feelings by saying you don't want to go, here are some safe ways to get out of being a social human being. 1. My sister/brother/mother/father/relative is sick and I promised to take care of them. 2. I think I'm becoming sick. 3. There's a family thing I have to go to that day. 4. Something unexpected and super personal happened. (only works if it's last minute) 5. I have to study. 6. I have tuition/dance class/some other out of school activity 7. It's my rest day, I've been busy non stop this entire week. AND THAT IS ALL. But to be honest guys, please try not to lie. If it's a close friend, then you sh...

A Chinese Yoyo

Xy knows what this is.  I know what this is. It is a thing.  (Wow!!!!!!!  I bet you didn't know that...) I am a thing. There are particles so small, they pass through us every single day!  (Wow, that's even cooler). A Chinese Yoyo can also be known as a diablo.  It is typically used in Spanish theatre. (Oops, I stupidly didn't realise this until 3 months after I posted this post. Diablo actually means devil.  A chinese yoyo can also be really known as a diabolo , hehe, I am so informative) The ratio of chickens to humans is: 2:1... How nice... A diablo can be thrown as high as a building. All the termites in the world weigh more than all the humans. Xy and I have the same diablo; except hers has her Chinese name on it. The Queen Termite in a hill gives birth to 800, 000 termites a day... Sometimes, Xy and I play catch with the yoyo. I hope you enjoy my uninteresting facts and silly ones about Chinese Yoyo's particles, chickens, and t...

Radioactive - Englishness 4 Storyzz

Three Boys stood on the other side of the steel fence. "Keep Out," Jayden read the ominous words on the wooden sign which was hammered onto an elm tree outside the fence. He Hesitated. Jaxon and Lex were already making their way across the field. Although Jayden was as curious as the other two, he was concerned about what had happened there over eighteen years ago. It was just like another Chernobyl disaster except the Phoenix Research Centre was more contaminated that Chernobyl. Jaxon and Lex, however, nonchalantly strolled across the wild grass fields towards it, ignoring the brambles that tore at their skin. Jayden wondered it they were an omen telling them to turn back.  At a distance, the research centre was visible. Jayden caught up with the other two. As they walked into the musty, abandoned building, they heard scurrying and scuttling sounds, hurried footsteps and a strange snarling sound. Jayden was defensive and raised his hands to stop the rest, who did not ...

Fun Fact 3

Why did firefighters use Dalmatians? Dalmatians are perhaps best known for their role as fire-fighting apparatus escorts and firehouse mascots. Since Dalmatians and horses are very compatible, the dogs were easily trained to run in front of the carriages to help clear a path and quickly guide the horses and firefighters to the fires.

The Game "Author" Continued Some Random Amount Of Times.

If it's form in the laboratory was grotesque, this was a million times worse.  It was indescribable.  The smell of curdled milk rolled off the creature in waves, filling the air with it's putrid stink. IT WAS MADE OF CHEEEEESSEEEEEEE. so she ate it.  and it tasted good.  And so she continued on with her whale research. THE EEENNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD continued by a peculiar sort of author


quick question, for all you readers/bloggers, what is your favourite kind of food? Like meal food, not desserts. Mine is ITALIAN what is yours?????

Unexpected conversations

A conversation between a supervillain and a kitten. Supervillain: So...kitten, I plan to take over the world. (evil laughing) Kitten: (is sleepy and starts nodding off; it's only a kitten) meow. Supervillain: Are you not impressed? Kitten: Meow. Supervillain: (starts shaking kitten violently) Respond, little fluffy thing! What...what are you doing with your eyes...?! They are so sweet... (faints from overload of adorability) A conversation between a crazy person and a boring person Crazy person: (Giggles maniacally) Boring person: Okay. Crazy Person: Did you know, I.... PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA, I HAVE A....stop. Look (points at the wall) Paint is DRYINGGGGG!!!!! We'll all be potatoes soon, you know. Or tables. Tables are good for eating. Eating is good for living. Living is good for strawberries. Strawberries are good for earplugs. Earplugs are good for mushrooms. Mushrooms are good for....PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA. Boring person: Okay. Crazy person: I know s...

I am head of the blog, ANNIE

To all of you viewers who were tricked by Annie's recent post, let me enlighten you. I am actually the head of this blog. I do also have a hierarchy, however, mainly to do with the number of posts people have, how frequently they post, and  how annoying they are  their content... HIERARCHY: #1 - ME, Jessica Gan ( I'm the head, not the deputy ) I is amazing! #2 - Annie Jakes-Mckay  (Valued member much ) Pronounced as Annie Jake-es-Mckay... #3 - Beyourself_xy  ( Professional England speaker ) Xy, your England is en pointe... #4 - A peculiar sort of author ( Why so English? ) Super Englishy, can't stand it (not rlly)... #5 - Awesomeness Burrito ( Off ) I think this burrito has gone off... #6 - Eliya ( Clickbait ) Once called elliethatnerd. Eliya, clickbait again! Gotcha, didn't I? #7 - TiffAwesomeness ( She is rice... whoops, nice*) Well done Tiff, you live up to your name unlike the person in the #5 spot. Just wish you had more posts... #8 - Pan Xuan ...

If I Were The Head Of The Blog (Sigh, I'm not! :( )

If only I were head of the blog.  It would become a much awesomer place.  (In my opinion, at least) This would be the hierarchy: Head: Cheesy_Owl_820 (Blah di blah di blah I can't remember the rest) Deputy Head: Jessica Gan Head Of Englishy Posting: A Peculiar Sort Of Author Deputy Head Of Englishy Posting: Elliethatnerd aka eliya (That's what she is nowadays weirdly...) Head Of Copycat Examiner: Beyourself_xy Head Of Rice Testing: Tif_Awesomeness Head Of Coloured Font: Pan Xuan Person Who Is Useless And Scrapes The Toilets For Us: Awesomeness_Burrito (Hehe, I hope you aren't reading this Awesomeness_Burrito. You should have seen yourself the other day. "Oh, the sky is made of Ruffles, and so is the ground," he said. And with that, he picked up a stray piece of stone from the ground, attempted to look enigmatic with his nose turned up and said, " A wonderful specimen." before popping it into his MOUTH ! Although he later denie...

The game "author" written down continued continued continued

The Creature 2 (because I was told to name it this but I'm being disobedient and not changing the real title) The ship was dented. The iceberg that it hit was perfectly fine. However, sitting near Poppy was the creature. She had no more matches left. It was completely dark. Poppy could only hear the soft sound of scales sliding against the rough flooring. Where was the pink person? Poppy had fallen back into the hull of the ship. Every one of her breaths echoed through the room. "I need a torch," she thought, "but where am I going to find one?" She groped around, careful not to come close to the slithering sound. Her torch was on her desk, just where she left it. Trembling, she made her way across the room, fear overcrowding her large intelligent mind. There it was. In her hands, she gripped the torch. In the dark, the creature could see better than she could. It had just finished its delicious meal of Nicholas and was looking for another. It heard stead...

Kitten the Bug - Destruction - Ep10

Hi, it's Kitten.  I'm trapped in the Plugworld forever, but so what. At least I like my house that is a marmite jar with 5 floors with a pond with Fluffy and Sid in it. I love my marmite jar. It is made of really nice glass. I'm going to go sing some nice songs where I can reach F8!!! .... .... Oh no! I have finished singing. My house is in ruins! The glass is ALL BROKEN!!! ARGHGHGHGHHGHHDFKHJAFHDLBKJRWBSALIVBSAVFLKSAJBSLIFABSILAHSBFLIUKJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY???????????????????????? There are shards of glass in the pond. Oh no. The pond is filled with red water. IT IS BLOOD!!!! FLUFFY AND SID ARE DEAD!!!! I feel so sad.  Nothing is going right. No one loves me. Not even Tara. Well, I never liked her anyway.


Acronyames are acronyms for names. Using acronyames is an interesting way to describe people in a few words. For example: T errible O bedient (NOT) B usybody  Y olo (he always says that) However, this is an easier example: A mazing N ice N atty I nnovative E xcellent This is Jessica writing this (totally): J ubilant (Well, most of the time) E nergetic S uperb S pectacular I nterestingly Marvellous C hampion (Definitely) A wesome  (#Awesome if I may say so myself) (*Hehe, you must have guessed, this is Cheesy_Owl_82017_Pi [I'm too lazy to find the symbol], but all of you must admit that this is true...) Er... Thanks, Annie. Stop telling lies though. You described me wrong. I'll post it anyway just to show what a nice person you are...

The game "author" written down continued continued

I shall name this story "The creature" so the next post of the game author will be called "The creature 2" etc etc because writing "the game author written down  continued continued" etc is too long and troublesome. Then a boat appeared, riding air, and a very odd whale swept Poppy into it. "Hang on!" it yelled as they flew out of the laboratory. The whale, Poppy discerned, was a female, and most definitely a mother, also, she was pink. Then gummy bears rained down from the sky and Poppy began to be afraid. The creature lunged from the laboratory into the air, all scales and spit and claws. Foam and blood coated its mouth and Poppy close her eyes. Nicholas had not made it. Forthwith the pink whale transformed into a human. "I know it's not a great time, but why were you a whale? And pink? And what is happening?" "I am the embodiment of nonsense," she said gently, "the only thing that can defat that creature....

Kitten The Bug - Is This Reality, Or What - Ep 9

I guess I'm dead.  Who knows??? Maybe I'm not.  Maybe Tara was wrong. I forgot to mention in my diary that I got a full collection of The Plugworld Laws.  Now, let's see... "1).  The Plugworld can only be entered through the Glu Tack tunnel 2). Only specified guests are allowed into the Plugworld (Friends of Mr Parsley, Mrs Ellionock, Ms Nadezhda, etc.) ... ... 372). Items cannot be taken from the Plugworld.  Any living organism found to break that law is punished by death.  However, if an item is originally from Earth and is taken to the Plugwold, then returned to earth, that organism will have to live in the Plugworld forever. ... End of the Laws, break any of these laws, and it is punishable by death." Donesogs! I thought.  Which of course means "Goodness!" in silly human language. I guess that means that I am living in the Plugworld forever.  I really hope that Tara, Fluffy and Sid come and visit me. I've already deci...

The Game "Author" Written Down Continued

It's scales could only be described as grotesque.  The powerful leg muscles moved within it's flaky skin.  Gnawing on a bone, it's body stiffened as it sniffed the air and found a new meal... Poppy had no idea what this creature was, but remembered what she had been told when growing up if she were to meet a bear: Crouch down and don't make eye contact.  And so she did.  Yet that did little to divert the beast's attention.  It rampaged about, disrupting the delicate experiments Poppy had spent years developing.  Clearly, it's eyes weren't very good.  Finally, it found what it had been looking for: Poppy.  Poppy bit her lip to stop herself from screaming as the powerful jaws of the brute clamped upon her left arm, it's muzzle sinking deep into the muscles and tendons of her forearm.  But before it could get a good grip, a force with immeasurable strength ripped her out of the savage's clutches. "Nicholas!" cried Poppy, sighing in relief...

The game "author" written down

Ok, firstly, "author" is a game where someone says a story and stops at an exciting bit and the next person will have to continue it. iIll start with a story, and then another blogger will have to continue it. e.g (in terms of sentences) Blogger 1: There was once a girl. Blogger 2: She screamed as potatoes filled the air. Something like that, but in terms of a continued story, it can be completely irrelevant or relevant, it doesn't matter. There is something very extraordinary about whales, Poppy had decided, they were mammals but they lived under the sea. Because of her fascination with whales, Poppy then decided to study marine life, and so that is how she became a marine biologist. "Get out, it's past 3 int he morning, I need to clean," the janitor said grumpily, breaking Poppy out of her reverie. He looked very much like a goat, she decided, a grumpy goat with a moustache the length of the river nile, this made her feel better. "Yes, sir. S...

Climate Change

CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL - WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT... ... In September 2017, an iceberg, four times the size of Manhattan had calved in Antartica, leaving a gaping hole, making the threat of climate change more real than ever. Unfortunately, this did not make it to the headlines unlike Beyonce's twins, Sir and Rumi Carter, did. However, this should come as no surprise as it  resonates with what the public are more interested in. It is no wonder that the first man to travel to both Poles, Robert Swan, stated that, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." I was doing some research and stumbled upon appalling facts on climate change. We cannot deny climate change as the evidence is too overwhelming. Global temperature is rising to alarming levels and this is the warming of the oceans. In fact, the recent devastating hurricanes, Irma and Harvey, are said to be caused by this calamity. In the North and South pole, ice sheets ...


WOW long time no see! Now, as I have said in ALL my other recent blog posts, I have a life. Not an interesting one, but still. I have a life. So, I was busy. And sometimes I lack ideas of what to post, but now I have an idea! Yay me! I do use these hacks and they aren't for nothing, okay. Trust me. 1: Messy wires If you constantly have your wires all over the place, then take a small basket, box, shoebox, etc. and place all your wires in there! If you take a bigger box/basket, you can keep your devices in there too, so they don't just lay on your bed or take up space on your desk. 2: CONTAINERS! You know if you have a huge display shelf and you dump all your things there it'll look pretty messy. If you want your room to look tidy, use some containers on the shelf (it'll kind of act like a drawer) so it'll look neater! You can use the same concept for tidying the top of your drawers and such; just use shoeboxes or something. 3: Extra pillows/blank...

Kitten the Bug - The Plugworld, and Mrs Ellionock - Ep 8

Dear Diary, As I was going down the dirty plug, darkness engulfed (a new word Tara thought  taught me) me... Where was Fluffy and Sid? They had disappeared? Tara held on to my hand and sang. This song was in an odd language, one that I did not understand. And as Tara kept singing, we dissolved into the water and waves around us.  We appeared in a hole. But not a deep or dark hole. A small, bright hole. The walls of that hole were made of blu tack. Carefully, I made holes in the blu tack and climbed out. (it was a long climb for me and Tara) 63 seconds later, we were out of the hole and looked around. The place was filled with sand and weird objects. Then, out of no where, out popped a strange creature with no ears. You know the phrase "as small as a bug's ear"? I know it - and I have no ears so it must be wrong. The strange creature smiled at me. It was not a bug. Tara just smiled and climbed out of the hole, hugging the strange creature tightly. I tri...

Teachers View VS Students View

If you are a student at a school, would you weigh the possibilities down? How unfair does it seem?  Too much homework? Ever considered how life is for a teacher? Teacher: Headteacher has told me to tell you that there is no school next week. Students: Yay!!!!! Teacher (To teaching assistant): Let them think the break is for them, it's actually for us... Teacher: Ok class, I give you 5 hours homework, it's due tomorrow, Ok? Students: Ugh! Why so much teacher? Teacher: So I can have time to mark your books. Student 1 [whispering] : I think that teacher is mean. Student 2 [whispering] : Ya, I agree. Teacher: Student 1 and Student 2, you really annoy me when you breathe.  Can you stop breathing for 100 years? Student 1 and Student 2:  Sorry teacher. Student View:  Too much homework, mean teacher who doesn't like you Teacher View: We have to mark students books too often, students are really rude to teacher. Think about it, readers,...

The Lifelong Battles Between Brothers and Sisters

Siblings, ah, siblings, how different would life be if you didn't have siblings? Unlike me, some people don't have any siblings, so they haven't experienced the dreadful bickering that accompanies the prospect of children. Random Family: Sam: Holly, mum said I could have the blue towel. Holly: No Sam, she told you you could have the dark blue one, this one is light. See?? Siblings often bicker about the weirdest things. Here's another good one: *Christmas time* Thomas: Dad, can I hang the angel on the Christmas tree this year? Alice: No Thomas, you hung it on the tree last year, I distinctly remember Dad lifting you up to put it on the tree *Thomas gives Alice a dirty look* Another thing that has been happening forever... My mother is the youngest of 3 children, girls, to be precise.  Constantly, she was picked on by her elder sister. Mum carrying chocolate so she can eat it later, elder sister already eaten he...


WOW throwback to my first ever post! But I must say, I'm quite bored myself. I think everyone gets bored once in a while. So here is my compilation of things to do when you're bored (instead of binge-watching Netflix and Youtube). 1. Organise Start to organise small things such as your pantry, desk, computer or wardrobe. It'll make you feel a lot better about yourself when you do something that benefits you in your spare time. 2. List Weirdly, I LOVE listing. From supplies I need for school to a wish list. And it's really fun, trust me. 3. Create Creative things are great to do when you're bored. It doesn't necessarily have to be drawing or painting, you can do things like creating posters, cards, a blog template (Wix is good) and much more! 4. Journal Start a journal! Write down your feelings, how your day went, and anything that you need to let out that you don't want to let out to a friend (hehe, sneaky). 5. Pinterest Browse Pinter...

Fun fact 2

What causes the holes in Swiss cheese? That bacteria, more specifically P. shermani, releases carbon dioxide when it consumes the lactic acid and forms bubbles. The bubbles don't just disappear, they form little air pockets, resulting in the holes of the Swiss cheese.

Fun Fact 1

Where is the baobab tree found? There are eight species. Six species live in Madagascar, one in mainland Africa, and one in Australia. The baobab is the national tree of Madagascar. Other common names include 'boab', 'boaboa', 'bottle tree', 'the tree of life', 'upside-down tree', and 'monkey bread tree'. This fact was taken from google, in a "I'm feeling curious" I believe. Did you also know that baobabs are featured in the little prince?

Why 101 is so special

You guyz know the number 101? Yes, it is after 100. And yes, this is my 101st post! WHY is this number SO SPECIAL??? Let's start with some facts (FACS!!! YAY!!!) 1) The number 101 is the 26th prime number 2) In binary, 101 2  is actually 5 3) The number 101, however, is 1100101 2  in binary 4) It is the police non-emergency number in the UK 5) It is an angel number (search it up online) Those are the FACS... But let me state something... 101 is ETERNITIES BIGGER than 100. E.G.  I've done 101 questions of math! However, it makes whatever you are talking about feel more incomplete. E.G. There have been a 101 days of school this year! THAT IS WHY THAT IS IMPORTANT EVEN THOUGH NOTHING THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH  KEYBOARD IS IMPORTANT. Once again, I'm so happy that this is my 101st post!!!!!!!!!!! whee... THE END. Goodbye.

How Do You Know A Ruler Is Accurate??????????

For starters, I know there are too many question marks. Secondly, does every single ruler you see have the exact same measurements, from millicentimetre to millicentimetre ?????????? I mean, look at that pic. The first ruler doesn't even show the actual centimetres themselves.  So what if it is wrong?????????? Now, how veracious do you reckon these rulers are?????????? Completely unreliable... Ruler in Chinese is   直尺 I learnt that when I was 7 years old. In case you were wondering. Which I doubt you were. So yeah... A common line for people that are totally obsessed with English: (I really do not mean you A Peculiar Sort Of Author because you probably will read this post sooner or later.) Question: Annie Jakes-McKay, are you aware that yes has an s at the end? My response typing:  Well, of course.  But yeah sounds so much cooler than yes.  I did hear that it is impolite to say ya though... Rulers.  Are used t...

I Have No Idea What To Name This Post

The mist hung over us like a blanket, it's cold fingers probing the goosebumps on our arms.  Clumps of heather stuck out of the ground.  I was furiously polishing my glasses; the vision through them was distorted and unclear.  The mist, again, the heavy atmosphere it created, digging into my thoughts no matter how I tried to remove it. Having already shouted myself hoarse, I curled up into a tiny ball, pretending I was in the warmth of my cosy and comfortable home. The girl looked so helpless, unable to rise from the earth.  The mist was relentlessly pelting against us, so I felt the need to help her. A form appeared out of the swirling mist.  It seemed ten feet tall, but I'm sure it was anything but.  The form bent over me, I could now see that it was about my height.  Still, I couldn't help but cringe away from anyone touching me.  I can't remember the last time I let someone willingly touch me.  It seemed like such a long time ago....

My 100th Post!

Omg!  This is my 100th post! I am so happy!!! It has been about a year since I started writing on this blog. I have kept writing and writing - now I have 100!!! My life has been building up to this moment!!! (not really, but meh) Today, I would again like to say thank you for reading my blog posts, as without you encouraging me, and if I got 0 views for every post, (maybe 1 view from myself viewing it) I would have stopped posting long ago. Here are all my topics: 1) SHorT StOriES 2) COMMON PHRASES 3) Kitten the Bug 4) Englishness Storyzz 5) Quote of the Week 6) Protect the... 7) Random facts about... 8) ... VS ... 9) How ...  are related to ... 10) ANY OTHER STUFF You should check out all my posts for some HIGH CLASS content and amazingness! Btw, you can follow me on Google+ by clicking my name above! Plus, you can check out my personal blog by clicking THIS . But now, down to business.  Today's post will be about why I blog. Wh...

A rubbish post with a hell lot of meaning - Why there is nothing...

There is anything before nothing after before any nothing. We need to understand this. The feelings of emptiness in your life is nothing abnormal. Why we feel this strange feeling when we don't feel like doing anything even thought you have a lot to do is strange. There is nothing after anything before after no anything. We need to understand this. The feelings of awkwardness as we try to fit in is nothing abnormal. Why we feel out of place and left out makes me think of different things and that is strange. There can be nothing after the no nothingness and some somethingness in our afterwards beginnings. The feelings of dumbness overtake imagination in the race for a better life. Why we feel we are worth nothing make us feel like nothing in a something type of way. That is strange. 2 times I have told myself that there is something before nothing in nothing, but there would then be nothing in something before something. There would be something in nothing in something. So t...


Long time no post... LOL We have just created an instagram account for our blogs!! User - blogsawesome Follow us! Okay, lets got to work So if you want to be SUPER organised, make these organisation boxes. All you need is: - Recyclable boxes - Scissors (Optional) - Paint (Optional) - Marker (Optional) You can actually just use boxes and its done!! 1) I used eye drop boxes (the ones that comes with eye drops) and cut them into the shape/height i want them to be (Optional) 2) Then I paint them (Optional) 3) Then i wrote positive stuff on it (Optional) EVERYTHING IS OPTIONAL All you to do to make the world's EASIEST organisation boxes, are just the boxes itself!!! Hopefully you fully understood the instructions and enjoyed making these! If you have any questions or DIY's you want to make, comment down below! Have a good life! :)