Bagels - I Am Random Chapter 3 - Short Story Section

Just in case you don't know what a bagel is, a bagel is this round thing like a doughnut but healthier.

People usually eat these for breakfast...

Or maybe for lunch...

Or maybe even for dinner!

I like cream cheese on my bagels.  Just saying.

According to this weird dictionary online, a bagel is: a dense bread roll in the shape of a ring, made by boiling dough and then baking it.

This is a tale about a bagel that is named Correction Tape

Once upon a time, the bagel that was named Correction Tape decide to eat some sweets because he thought that sweets were delicious.

Unfortunately, he choked on the sweets and nearly died.  But, some strong, pungent cheese chose to save the day, giving the Correction Tape some antidote that would cure him of the deathly sweets...

The antidote was actually 2/3 arsenic.  The other 1/3 was soap.  The soap however, did little to stop the deadly effects of the arsenic.

According to the logic of cheese, deadly effects + deadly effects = Not so deadly effects so Correction Tape did not die.

He became invincible and conquered the world.  Like all of you will.

Stay #Awesome!

Link To I Am Random Chapter 1:

Link To I Am Random Chapter 2:


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