Why Cats Are More Stupid Than Chickens

This is an example of what a cat would say: Meow, I am an idiot.

This is an example of what a chicken would say: Peck, peck.

See, this proves that cheese is good.

The logical theory in that is that peck peck relates to the birdseed which is created by the man that raises cows.  The man that raises cows sells his milk to a cocoa bean.

The cocoa bean's best friend is shampoo.

The shampoo is married to the conditioner and the pencil sharpener performed the wedding.

The pencil shavings are actually crispy pigs ears.

The pigs ears are enemies with chewing gum.

The uncle of the chewing gum is milk.

That is how milk relates to birdseed.

But where does the cheese come in?

So, you see, cheese's second cousin once removed is butter.

Therefore if we take some milk and turn it into butter.  Then turn that butter into cheese, then everyone is happy.

Unfortunately, this does not relate to cats.

But we all know that cats hate cheese because it makes their tongues stick to their whiskers.

Cats are stupid because they decided to eat cheese in the first place.  If they hadn't done that, none of this would have happened and cats would be smarter than chickens.

The End


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