Extraterrestrial Life - I Am Random Chapter 1 - Short Story Section

Once upon a time, in the land of (*I don't know where)  there was a little beast.  He looked like a human.  However, some of the organs and parts of his body are in different places.  For instance, his arms came out of his neck and to smile, he had to frown...

What is life like on other planets?

That, my friends, is the million, no billion dollar question...

Maybe they eat cars and drive hot dogs...

Perhaps they are born super-smart and lose all their geniusness when they get older....

Conceivably they are scared of water and they survive on rum...

Who knows?

So, if we were to pretend we were in another planet, what would be the first thing we do?

Option 1: Eat some cheese.
Option 2: Meet and make some new friends
Option 3: Buy a house
Option 4: Go swimming with toucans
Option 5: Dress up as the Loch Ness monster and give the locals a scare.

        I was walking around town, and everyone was frowning at me.  How unpleasant!  They didn't even welcome me to their city.

        I noticed that there were flying hot dogs that had petrol fumes coming from them.

        The house I was living in is full of cheese.

What do you expect in a place like this?


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