Image result for save the penguins
Our penguins are vanishing now. 

Penguins are endangered. 

They are dying.

We MUST save them!!!!!

Currently our climate has changed. The biggest reason? Global warming. It cruelly pushes penguins into the depths of extinction. What causes global warming? Pollution. Pollution also causes our precious Earth to heat up. Then, global warming causes the seas to heat up, causing tons of ice to melt. Therefore, penguins cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. They have to find somewhere else to live on or they will simply become extinct. 

A millennia ago, penguins swam, crawled and waddled their way on to some islands. There were almost 120,000 penguins who lived in our world and they could live a life that did not include the words "GLOBAL WARMING", "POLLUTION" or "EXTINCTION". 

There were once many of these fantastic creatures, but that was in the past. Now, our society has broken their lives down, made and developed technology and released terrible green house gases into the atmosphere.

Our pitiful penguins are going to be extinct at the rate we are going. We need to find a way to protect these creatures from us. To save our penguins we can try some of these methods. We can...

Find new homes for penguins
  • places which are the right temperature
  • places with the right food in abundance
  • places which are the same as penguin's natural habitat at the moment
Ban some artificial activity

  • like commercial fishing
  • like harvesting
  • like hunting

Reduce our use of fossil fuels
  • reduce reuse recycle
  • use renewable energies that do not affect the environment
Plant more trees
  • trees take in CO2 and let out O2
  • plant more trees
  • reduce logging and deforestation

In conclusion, we are destroying penguins homes. The damage we are doing is so bad that not even this penguin can save his kind. 

We must help our penguins.
We must save our penguins.
And remember, anyone can do something to save our penguins. It just takes a spark to light a fire!!!


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