Different types of Friends...

Image result for friend
There are many types of friends which I have. 

Here are some situations and things that happen between us...

P.S. Many of these are NOT true...

#1 Super caring friend...

Mean person: :You look so weird... No offence (sarcastically)

Friend: You look weird - go away

#2 Mean friend...

Me: Do you wanna go eat lunch now?

Friend: No. You go on your own.

Me: Please come with me, I'll be lonely...

Friend: I don't care if you are lonely! Just go eat by yourself!

#3 Always dreaming friend... 
(me and xy version...)

Beyourself_xy: You know a, the teacher said that... Then my ballet friend... You know what?... She was like... Then I scraped my hand on my locker... He was like... Then... Oh look... Yah, and my friend was like... It was SO funny!!!

Me: Huh?

#4 Bad talk friend...

Friend: Hi, Jess! You are the best friend ever! You are SO nice!


Friend: You know Jessica right, she is a terrible friend. Like, she is soooo mean... I hate her...

#5 Annoying friend...

Friend: Let's go! Let's go! Aya! You are so slow... Can I see your book?... No! Not now!... Aya... LOL, look! (steals stuff) Hahahahaha!!!!... BYE!!!
Image result for dumb friend

#6 Dumb friend...

Scenario 1 - 

During class...

Friend: How do you do this?

Me: Like this. 

Friend: Explain!

Me: OKAY!!!

By the end of the lesson, I haven't finished anything due to the length of necessary explanation...

Scenario 2 - 

Me: OMG!!! I lost my phone, can you call it? (texts from phone)

Friend: OK!!!
(ring ring ring)

Me: ... 5 points for me...

#7 Mental friend...

Me: Jazzymyn!


Me: Hi...

#8 Forgot to wear lenses or bring glasses friend...

Friend: I can't see what is on the board, I copy yours a?

Me: Fine...

Friend: OMG!!! You know what? Last night, I wore my lenses, then one dropped off! I can only see this side now!

Me: Ok...

#9 Plain mean friend...

Friend: (sarcastically) No offence, but you are terrible at art. 

Me: (hurt) Ok...

Friend: And you should get more blog views, I have so many: 201. You only have like 30...

Me: (hurt) Ok...

#10 Best best friend...

Me: I am so upset because one of my classmates told the teacher that I was copying her work but I wasn't.
Image result for best friend
Friend: Awwww, do you want to tell the teacher?

Me: Ya, but I'm too scared my classmate will hate me...

Friend: Don't worry, I will follow you to ask the teacher and sort it out with your classmate...

Me: Thanks! You are the best!

#11 Kiasu friend...

Scenario 1 - 

Me: Can you help me with this chinese thing?

Friend: No! Do it yourself!!!

Scenario 2 - 

Me: Hey! Why are you copying my work? 

Friend: I don't know how to do it!

Scenario 3 - 

Me: What is in that book you are reading? Is it your notes?

Friend 2: Should we let her see it?

Friend: No.

Me: What is it?

Friend: You don't need to know! Stop looking!

Scenario 4 - 

Friend: Are those your notes?

Me: Yes...

Friend: Let me see!!! (grabs it)

Me: Give it back!

Friend: (Pushes me back) NO!!!! Not until I read it!!!

Me: (sad...)

#12 Too nice friend...

Me: I am going to fill up my water bottle. You can go to class first! You'll be SO late!!!

Friend: Its okay, I'll wait for you...

#13 Frenemy...

Plain mean, terrible and too kiasu, does not help you when you are in times of distress, just leaves you and laughs. Do not be this person as long as you live. I know many people like this.


☼ Live ☼



🦄Be Happy!!!🦄

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