I am your father... - Englishness 1 Storyzz

The day before yesterday, I met a strange man down the alleyway. His eyes glowed in a kaleidoscopic way and shone like the sun at night.......... (sarcasm though...)

I walked cautiously into a deserted bus stop. The man was following me. He was right behind me. I could feel his sour breath stinging the back of my neck. 

Two seconds later, calloused hands wrapped around my neck. I struggled and pulled at them, but those hands, those terrifying hands, pulled me further away from the day. Stooped with exhaustion, I stopped fighting for my supposedly good life and sat lifeless in the back of a car, finding myself strapped tightly to the seat.

A wave of cold dread washed over me. I was going to "I don't know where" in "I don't know who"'s car to do "I don't know what" until "I don't know when" and "I don't know how" I was ever going to escape this...

Yes, complications, I know...

After a considerable period of time, the car slowed down and pulled up in the "I don't know where". I was slowly brought out and the man, the same man, dragged me into a room, with precisely 7 and a half lights. I was dumped on to a rustic metal chair which jutted out at my bones at awkward areas, forcing me to fidget uncomfortably. The air was thin and not fit to sustain life. 

Finally, the man took his seat opposite me, on a similar chair - except he treated it like a cushiony armchair - and stared into my horrified face. 

Then, he pulled off a layer of his face to reveal ugly maggot-eaten skin, with hollow eyes and a crooked nose.

"Who are you?" I squeaked.

"I am your father..."


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