How to get friends

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Do you ever feel you have no friends?

Who is the perfect friend for you?

Read this post to find out...

Friends are an extremely strange case in life.
They are always there, but you can't find them.
You can see them, but you don't know they're there.

So, how do you find the perfect friend?

Before you even dream of finding the perfect friend, you have to know your perfect self better.
Think of who you are.
Do you easily upset people?
Do you tend to get slightly bossy?
Do you tend to insult people and don't even realise it?

However, DON'T think of who you want to be.
Or, who you should be.
Or, who you think people would like to see you as.

Be who you really are, in the best way possible, because you are the best.You are the amazing. You are #AWESOME.


Be aware of those who seem nice to you for who you really are, and look closely at who they are on the inside.

Meet them, greet them and seat them, then smile and wait a while.
If they smile back, and do the same to you, they are one step to being your perfect friend already!

Then, see if they stick on your side in times of crisis.

Do something strange or embarrassing and ask them to do it with you. Of just get yourself into a sticky situation and see if they stick around. 

If they do, you know they are your true friend.

Be nice, stick with them, and they will stick with you.

There are some long term problems with friends...
Find out in the next post...


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