Life, A Mysterious Journey Through Time (Quote of the Week)

The beginning of existence is the start of the journey through time. 
Why do we want to leap a thousand years into the future?
Why do we want to know about what is to come when all we need to do is focus on the present?
Here is a post about life, a mysterious journey through time...

We all start life as an insignificant cell, stored deep in our mother's body. After many processes, we are born as a baby. A newborn. We start our "lives" as we call them. 


We take our first steps. We learn to speak. We learn to read. We learn to write. That is our childhood. This is when we learn the most.

When we start growing up, we want to be more independent. Soon, we are either sitting in an office with a thick pile of papers or racing around like a crazy person trying to clean up a child's mess at home.

Finally, we get old and die.

This is our own journey through time.

As children, we want to look into our future. We want to uncover the mysteries of life and beyond. I have the same strange longing.

We, as children have journeyed many years through time.

Believe me, when we grow older, we will want to journey back in time, so savour the moment, live the life you are living and not the life you imagine you will be living. And don't try to think about your past... YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT A DIARY!!!

In the end, "We're all travelling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride!!!"




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