Embarassing moments at school...

Have you experienced awkwardness in school?

I did.


Just now.

Basically all the time i have awkward moments in school. Whether it is during lunch, class or exams.
Image result for embarassed emoji

[BTW, the moments below, i am not sure if it is just me or the entire world. Basically it is my opinion]

Embarrassing moments 1:
You know the feeling when you are in a long empty corridor and you are at one end, a teacher at the other. You panic and go like... What should i do??? Should I say hi??? Should i just ignore her??? Yep, that feeling comes ESPECIALLY when a teacher i know very well comes. Sometimes when it is a long long corridor, it gets worse. You know what i do? When a teacher is about 1 meter away from me, i put on a smile :), no, make that AWKWARD smile... :)?

Embarrassing moments 2:
I will give an easy explanation. Calling your teacher the wrong name. That is SO embarrassing and awkward. Even calling your friends name wrongly is embarrassing, how am i supposed to explain the feeling UUUGGGGHHH!!!!!! [Yep, THAT'S the feeling :)]

Embarrassing moments 3:
Do you know when for example you are in a queue in the canteen and you are behind this person which looks so familiar and then... here comes the worst part. You call the person's name and they turn around and you realise that that person is not you friend, but instead a stranger....... REALISATION!!! :(:(:(:(:( Then you go like sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry... :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Embarrassing moments 4:
I don't know if it's only me or the entire world but whenever you borrow your teacher a book or a pen or anything, they sometimes forget to give it back. So when you want to ask for it back you go like... uhh... sorry teacher but may i..... uhhh have the pen back... please? Then the teacher puts a really big smile on her face and say... Oh! Sorry, here you go! You walk back to your seat saying in your head... WHAT DID I JUST DO?!?!?!

Embarrassing moments 5:
When your parents want to give an appreciation gift to your teachers, they pass it to you and say... give this to your teacher. You go like... when? TODAY?!?! Confronting your teacher... My weakness... Now you are in front of your teacher. Hi, my mom asked me to give this to you... uhh it is a gift... for you... and your family? Okay... I am not sure if that's just me, or the entire world so... MEH

Embarrassing moments 6:
You know when you are talking loudly in the corridor with your friend and then suddenly your friend stops talking. You continue talking. Then you freak out. Your teacher was behind you. :(:(:( Sad life, Sad life. Hah... uhh... hi?

Embarrassing moments 7:
The question is, OF ALL PLACES WHY DURING QUIET TIMES IN CLASSES AND EXAMS?!?!?! I have sinus which is bad thing and i often get runny nose. But OF ALL PLACES WHY DURING QUIET TIMES IN CLASSES AND EXAMS?!?!?! At home alone my nose is just fine but OF ALL PLACES WHY DURING QUIET TIMES IN CLASSES AND EXAMS?!?!?! *sigh*

Embarrassing moments 8:
Let's say the teacher is saying a joke. You expect everyone to laugh out loud but... no. They didn't laugh out loud. YOU laugh out loud ALONE. Emphasise the word "ALONE". Then people start staring at you, YES, STARING, and then your face turns red. :( :( :( :( :( :(

Embarrassing moments 9:
So whenever your teacher let's you listen to music using your earphones, sometimes you start singing without realising. Then the classmate sitting next to you go like... SHUSH!! I go like... sorry... :(

Embarrassing moments 10:
This moment will be yours! Think about what has happened in your life in school that was extremely embarrassing!

Share with us the most embarrassing moments that have happened in school! ;)

Have a good life ;)


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