I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... Show off-ers

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who only think of themselves

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who copy one of my best projects (though I copy too)

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who make fun of me

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who you cannot say no to

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who swear everyday at least 5 times

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who are obsessed with social media

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who ignore

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who do not share things such as "How do you do this question?"

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who deletes and hacks you mac or phone or whatever without your permission

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who plays pranks on you

This can go on and on and so i will get to the main one(s)

I ABSOLUTELY HATE.... People who does things that you first created and then you lose access thanks to them.

Have a good life and do not be friends with these types of people.


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