O B S E S S E D ! (With puns)

FIRST of all, please note that the word 'obsession' is used in a less serious context, rather than not being able to stop thinking about something insanely.

In this case, I just mean things that I really like.

You may have noticed Beyourself_xy's posts and Jess' posts are much more interesting than mine. Well, you have permission to click away.

But my posts will be more like lists, because I'm not a very good blog writer. I'm not much of a comedian either. Oh well, I'll try my best.

Before we get started, let's procrastinate.

Wanna hear a pun? Well I'm going to tell you some anyway, whether you like it or not.

Don't fart in an Apple store because they don't have Windows.

Yesterday, I almost drowned in the pool. It was a breathtaking experience.

Simba was walking really slowly so I asked him to Mufasa.

*Knee slaps* *wheezes* Come on, you know those were good. Okay, two more.

I always wear two pants when I go golfing, just in case I get a hole in one.

I once invited a teddy bear for dinner, but he said, "No thanks, I'm stuffed."

Well, those are all the puns I can handle. But we haven't had any about vegetables. If you have any, lettuce know. 😏  AH I AM SO PUNNY.

Now, onto what I actually wanted to say.

Here are my 5 obsessions in no particular order (literally).


If you're a cat lover, boy will you enjoy this game. It's an app available in the App Store, possibly Google Play.


I have mentioned them before, but, I REALLY LOVE MEMES. THEY GIVE ME LIFE. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but still.


Of course I love the Internet; it's the 21st century. I especially like the weird side of the Internet, where you find the strangest things. But alas, I go on Youtube and Instagram the most.

5. FOOD!

So maybe my obsession with food is not taken lightly like the rest. I can't stop thinking about it! Especially rice. I love rice. (I need help)

2. Creative Writing

Sometimes, you should just allow your brain to come up with things and then write them down. To me, writing calms my stress and anxiety. This is why I write. But I'm not the best at it...

T H A N K S  F O R  R E A D I N G  T H I S  O B N O X I O U S  A N D  S I L L Y  B L  O G.

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