Our Blogging Story!!!

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This blog started with only 1 member: me...

It has grown incredibly since it has started.

This is because of my friends, and you guys...

My name is Jessica, I am just an ordinary girl in Malaysia, eating fatty Malaysian food and getting fat, then one day, I stumbled across this teacher.

She introduced me to blogging, and since then, I loved it. 

This is the journey of our blog:

Its original name was Purple Penguins, with me as the creator and the only member of this blog... I didn't post that much. 

FUN FACT: Our most popular post is my first post ever posted on this blog, so if you are against shark finning (killing), click here:
Save Our Sharks!!!

Well, I could only write so much so...
I hired new members to write on every different topic!!!

Here are the members in order of when they joined (with a little random info) :

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1) Jessica Gan (Me) 
Original name when I started this blog was Flying Catfish... 
I am an extreme foodie and LOVE 🦄🦄UNICORNS🦄🦄
2) Beyourself_xy 
The real name's Xin Ying... She named the blog #AWESOME...
3) Xuan Pan
Loves to praise me: "Jess! You're so smart!" - all that pish posh...
Actually called Toby... He has incredible mood changes... 1 minute he is nice(ish), the next minute he is mental...

We were the only 4 members for quite a while...

Then I invited...

5) Annie Jakes-Mckay
Uses incredibly posh language and is the queen of making up random things that don't even make sense...
6) elliethatnerd
Smart... As you can see from the name... She writes posts with the title having spaces between them,  L I K E  T H I S . . . , so you'll find it incredibly easy to find her posts...

Now, we have a brand new member, 

7) Tiff_awesomeness
Actually called Tiffany, she is a extreme foodie (like me...) 
LOVES rice!!!🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚

I would LOVE to thank you for your support and awesomeness that brought our blog further...

So share our blog for anyone who needs a once in a while fun read. We will post at least 7 posts a week. (We usually post around that number anyway)


☼ Live ☼



🦄Be Happy!!!🦄
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Continue being #AWESOME Guyz!!!


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