
Showing posts from July, 2017

Are You Good At Drawing On Your Device?

Hello! Do you want to enter a drawing competition? Here, I will give you a few topics, and you can either take a screenshot of your drawing or put a link to a sketching website ( recommended) Topic #1 - Chicken My bad example Jessica's version Topic #2 - Flower UGLY flower Topic #3 - Nature Too cliche example GOOD LUCK!!! Please submit as a profile or give yourself a name when you submit so I can determine a winner!

LIfe as a FLOWER...

Hello, anonymous! Thank you for the suggestion on life as a flower... We are very sorry that we hadn't noticed it before. I was just browsing through comments and this was on our 100th post and we are now at 206 posts, so, I guess we could have been a little quicker!!! Let's begin... I woke up feeling extremely confused, like every other day. I was thirsty and just letting in the carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen.  As I ate up most of the food I had mad yesterday, I thought of what I should do today. Should I make food? Or should I move to the sun... Should I smile brightly at people walking by? Or should I let out a smell so bad that it would scare them away... I decided to wait a while and see what the day would bring me to do, and as I was considering moving towards the sun, a strong wind blew, and a huge, dark, menacing cloud moved in front of the sun, blocking it from my view. The gust of wind also tore at my petals, sending a few flying far a

Kitten The Bug - Who is Tara, really? - Ep6

Dear Diary, Today, I went looking for Tara after my good   bad  boring GLEIHNS class. It was boring. Then I went to find Tara. I still don't know if Sid and Fluffy lost my marbles but I haven't pulled their plug yet... WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME IF THEY LOST THEM??? (read Ep5 ) So, after GLEIHNS, I went home, ate a fufp and left. Then I left home with a backpack with stuff for Tara. I walked to the cafe and sat down, waiting for her. She usually came at this time. But she wasn't there. So I waited for 2 hours but she still didn't turn up. So I went to Tara's home and asked her parents where she was. They said that she had gone to the park. So I went to the park. But she was not there. So I decided to explore the park area a bit more and maybe Tara would come soon. Maybe she was still walking. So I went down into the subway station, and ran under a section of wall which looked good for exploring in. I crawled under and looked around, and when

7 Free Online Games to Play when you are BORED

When I am bored, and have absolutely nothing to do, here are some of my go-to games which I play whenever!!! #1 Realm of the Mad God This game may take quite a lot of skill as a gamer. It is about getting a class, then killing monsters to level yourself up. You can get items and socialise with other players. It is like Minecraft without building - but it is free!!! #2 I call this game agario. To play, you start off as a small blob, eat cereal (the coloured bits everywhere on your screen) and grow bigger. When you are bigger, you can start eating blobs which are smaller than you. Be careful not to run into bigger blobs, or they will eat you! And also, don't run into spikes. (green or brown) They will burst you into smaller pieces. If you are smaller than a brown spike, it will consume you. To split yourself into smaller pieces to either go faster or eat other players who are further away, press the space bar. To feed other players a little bit of your mass

Unnecessary Commas

Commas are an essential part of the English language. They are a type of punctuation and are used to indicate a pause between parts of a sentence. They are also commonly used to separate items in a list. I, use, completely, unnecessary, commas, all, the, time,. My friends tell me that. When I am writing, I write like this: 'Commas, are an essential part of the English language. They are a type of punctuation, and are used to indicate a pause, between two parts of a sentence. They are also commonly used, to separate items in a list.' Yes, I know that that sentence is too highly commafied. But I usually do that anyway... This is because I associate commas to actual speech! When you are talking, you should pause there, so, the places you should pause when you are talking, would be the places I would place my unnecessary commas! You should all learn a lesson... Just DON'T follow my example and use LOADS of unnecessary commas!!!!!


If you guyz didn't know, I LOVE chicken rice. It tastes AMAZING. But I am also obsessed about it for another reason. This is very irrelevant and you really don't need to know. But I'll tell you... There are 3 hawker shops in Lucky Gardens (Malaysia). We call them the side shop, the middle shop and the corner shop. The side shop is on the side, the middle shop is in the middle and the corner shop is on the corner. SO, these shops are all like food courts, with various types of hawker foods. e.g. Ban min, Char Kuay Teow, Wan Tan Min, Zhu Min etc. (I LOVE THEM ALL) And, all the shops (I think) serve chicken rice! However, the corner shop serves the best chicken rice, then the side shop and finally the middle shop. But we always go to the middle shop because it is the biggest and has the most variety of things to eat. My sister used to, and still LOVES chicken rice. Since we always went to the middle shop, she doesn't get to eat the best chicken rice so

What makes a true PFU?

A PFU is a Pink Fluffy Unicorn (obviously) and a Pink Fluffy Unicorn is #AWESOME  (also obviously) What makes you a TRUE pfu? You can check if you are one, and if you aren't, you can make your pfu level go up by learning from this post. #1 You love the colour pink #2 The pfu song is constantly in your head #3 You love to dance in a way it looks like you are walking on the spot (on your all fours) #4 You look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all the time #5 You aren't really a unicorn #6 You wouldn't accept you aren't really a unicorn so you make yourself a unicorn horn out of paper #7 You like fluff #8 Your mouth is nearly always open #9 You have a cute voice #10 You are kind #11 You are cute #12 You have a great imagination #13 You believe in unicorns #14 You are always happy #15 You enjoy being #AWESOME! WEEEE!!! PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS!!! YEAH!!! I am kind of a pfu. Are you? How many of the #s relate to you?

The struggles of wearing glasses...

This may seem unusual because you are 100% used to glasses. Me? Even if i started wearing glasses since i was 9, i hate it (sorry if it's offensive) I find it annoying. Let's see the history of my life wearing glasses. So... 9 years old, the teacher told me that i couldn't see. I personally think that it was ok. So my mom brought me to the optician. There was power in my eyes. 75 and 100 (Malaysian way of calculating) which wasn't so high but i bought glasses anyway. When I was 11, I stopped wearing glasses because i started wearing this thing called Ortho-K. It is similar to contact lens but instead of wearing it during the day and removing it at night, you do the opposite. Wear it at night and remove it in the morning, in the morning when you remove it, it is clear. The only part where it is annoying is when you either put it in and when you take it out. Contact lenses lens are softer and wobblier and bigger than ortho-k's lens. At first they may seem

The Lazy Guide [by an actual lazy person]

I am so lazy that this blog might as well be called Read this to learn to be lazy. These are all about when you don't want to walk   LONG(ish) distances... #1: Pretending not to hear Friend: Can you come upstairs with me to get something? Me: (sneezes and walks off) #2: Someone is meeting me here Friend: Can you come with me? Me: I'm so sorry, I need to stay here because someone is meeting me here very soon. #3:  I'm lazy (dumb) Friend: Come with me. Me: I'm lazy. #4: One sec Friend: Can you follow me to the lockers? Me: One sec... Friend: Whatever, I'll go on my own. #5: My feet hurt Friend: Can you come with me to the toilet? Me: Ugh, my ankles hurt from gymnastics yesterday. Friend: Then I'll go on my own then... IF people like this, I may make more laziness products for you. This is just a spot of how lazy I am and what I would do to avoid doing things (physical stuff)[mainly] so I hope this lazy gui

Someone who dances 4 times a week...

Anyone dances 4 times a week? Me. What dance do you go to? Ballet. Why 4 classes a week? I don't know. What do you do at class? Depends. Be specific ? Tuesday - Pointe work Friday - Normal class Saturday - Junior Repertoire Sunday - Normal class. Ahh... I see... Yes it may sound like it is so tough and horrible, but if you actually enjoy doing it, it seems like you're only taking class twice a week. Trust me, some of you experienced it. Go home, tell your mom: "MOM! I WANNA DO ANOTHER CLASS OF _____ IF THATS OKAY WITH YOU!" You won't regret. WARNING: ONLY CHOOSE WHAT YOU LIKE TO DO, NOT WHAT YOU DON'T. I MEAN IT. IF YOU CHOOSE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE, YOU WILL HATE LIFE FOREVER AND ALSO REGRET YOUR CHOICES. Have a good life guys!


I don't know about your school but today was our last day of school! IT IS NOW THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!!  It is terrible for certain people and awesome for certain people (Remember, summer holidays aren't necessarily great!). Why is it terrible?? - Well, Jessica has full time tuition so.... I am guessing that it will be terrible for her... - My brother has school. No holidays for me! Just me and boredom. - I eat more during the summer holidays... Gonna gain weight! Technically... Those are some of the reasons why summer holidays can be terrible for certain people. Why is it awesome? - People get to go on family trips! - They get to do whatever they want! FREEDOM!!! - Playdates... Sleepovers... FRIENDS Yeah... there are reasons for everything! How is summer holidays for you? Awesome? Terrible? Why? Share your experience during the summer holidays! You can even write about what happened! Have a good life guys! Enjoy summer!

When you have a sore throat - Tips to cure it

Have a sore throat? I know how you feel. You feel like you can't talk and it will never recover. You feel like you are going to be sick anytime [Well, it is a sign that you are about to be sick] Yes most of you have experienced it. Here are some tips that could help you recover quicker. Tip 1: Drink LOADS and LOADS of water, at least 1 litre a day. Sore throat can be caused when you don't drink enough water/dehydrated. [Everybody does this one] Easy way to get used to it: Get or buy a 1 litre bottle and just make sure you finish it up everyday! [Obviously a more won't harm you] Tip 2: Try gargling with warm salt water. Don't add to much salt but it is up to you. Maybe a teaspoon is enough. Easy way to get used to it: First, make a cup of the warm salt water and gargle it. Then make another one just to prepare for the next hour. *[Next hour] Gargle and then make another one for the next hour* Repeat from * to *. Tip 3: Easy one. Try not to talk


The word "scale" has many different definitions. It depends on how you look at it. It also depends on who you are. Scale - definition 1 A fish's scales or a dragon's scale. A hard bony part of an animal on the outside of their body. It could be used for protection or to identify the fish. Placoid scales, cycloid scales, ctenoid scales and ganoid scales are just some examples of the different types of scales belonging to various cartilaginous fish, bony fish and many more. When we eat fish, we remove the scales so it is easier to chew. I like fish. But I don't like eating fish with scales on. Scale - definition 2 A piano scale. A scale on a musical instrument. (an instrument capable of producing music from itself)  Scales can be is octaves. One octave is an 8ve. Two octaves is a 16th or a compound 8ve . Scales come in many keys. There are major, minor, augmented and diminished scales. Major sounds good to the ear. Major scales are usually


POTATOES!!!!! pardon me. An idiom is something that is not literal. I love idioms. They make no sense and yet they do...It's kind of hard to explain. There is a sort of curious magic to idioms. Here are some awesome, well interesting at least, idioms we use in our everyday lives: 1. A storm in a teacup. =a big fuss about something unimportant 2.Pardon my french. =sorry for cursing 3.Fish out of water.=being uncomfortable in an unfamiliar surrounding 4.More holes than swiss cheese. (I think you'll like this one Annie, since you like cheese. A lot. Cheese is nice.)= something that has a lot of problems 5.As sharp as a marble.= someone who perhaps isn't very clever. Quick question: If you look you cannot see me. And if you see me you cannot see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, but later everything goes back to normal. What am I? (I found this riddle online. It's a good one.)

Jellyfish Song

There is a song I have invented called the Jellyfish Song. It is one of the most inventive songs, and not a single word is repeated.  It is super creative.  A Peculiar Sort Of Author agrees with me. These are the lyrics: I like Jellyfish, quack, quack, quack. I like Jellyfish, quack, quack, quack. I like Jellyfish, quack, quack, quack. I like Jellyfish quack, quack, quack. Thank you for your Jellyfish song support for reading this post!


Videos are many frames of pictures put together. They flow to form movement. Videos take up a lot of storage. This is because they are a lot of pictures. Imagine taking loads of pictures. How much storage would that take up? If you want to get rid of some things that are filling your device up,  delete as many videos as possible. This was random. I myself like watching videos. But not downloading them. Bye. This whole thing was random.

200th Post

Everyone likes posting.  I think our most committed blogger is Jessica Gan, closely followed by A Peculiar Sort Of Author, then Beyourself_Xy, Elliethatnerd, Awesomeness Burrito (Who only has 11 posts), Xuan Pan, Tiff_Awesomeness, Ada Lee, and Annie Jakes-McKay. I want to say thank you to all of our readers and commenters, people who subscribe and laugh, and most of all, I want to thank my fellow bloggers for making this blog an enjoyable atmosphere. I just want you bloggers to know: Milestones are not resting places. It means, once we have reached 200 posts, we don't have to stop! And readers, if you count all of our posts, and realise that there are less than 200, I'm counting drafts as well.  Hahaha!  ðŸ˜ˆ  ðŸ˜¡ ! I dare not post this afterwards, because someone else will post the 200th and it won't be this post. This post is kind of bad. I really want to thank everyone for their support, and everything! Annie Jakes-McKay


I like pies.

Feathers, Staircases and other such things

Hello, I have just joined the blog, I do not have much experience blogging so please don't be too harsh. I will leave it up to you to figure my identity out, if you don't already know who I am; it isn't very difficult. I hope you like this story, I wrote it about a year ago and I've decided to share it, it is quite peculiar but I hope it doesn't leave something wanting in its wake, although it probably does. The pigeon walked with grace, unlike most other pigeons. Its coat was a gradient of metallic blue and purple and was almost luminescent in the rays of the ever-boiling sphere of light known as the sun. Was it so surprising, that soon it spread its wings, as birds do?   Then, there, the small thing drifted, simply radiant, there the feather drifted, away and away! There were all sorts of hues, beautiful, magnificent, peculiar.. It was carried in the wind, darting and swaying this way and that, as if it had a mind of its own and the wind wasn’t guiding it. What


This one is used mainly by school children. "My dog ate my homework!!!" That is one of the worst excuses in the history of excuses, but, though many think that it is used a lot, it is actually just a very cliche phrase that was used only a few times and amplified through social media as a joke. We all know that our dogs don't eat our homework, and that even if we tried to force them to, they never will.  The first person to come up with this phrase must have had a good sense of imagination and a bad sense of common sense. Quote: - beyourself_xy -  "COMMON SENSE! COMMON SENSE!" (mostly directed to Toby [awesomeness burrito]) Please, at least a  "My dog chewed up my homework" would be much better... Finally, I guess you have learnt to NOT learn to use this "common phrase" The next time any of you make and use a phrase, please check it has logic behind it. ThankYouThisWasFunMyDogAteMyHomework

5 earphone hacks to use in class

Doing some of these things may be VERY bad. But I do them, so I'll share what I do with you... #1 Only use 1 earphone incase your teacher calls you and you don't respond, letting your teacher know that you are up to something. #2 Turn your earphone bud inside out so you can hear better and the sound of the outside world isn't that muffled. Here is a video to show you how... #3 Hide your earphone down your sleeve and put your hand over your ear to use it. This works especially well if you have long sleeves. Video... #4 Your earphones are very long and very hard to hide in a hurry. To do this, you should neatly tie them up to hide easily. #5 You can place something on top of your earphones, like a book or piece of paper. They should cover your earphones up so your teacher can't see them. I hope these hacks work for you. Please comment if they do!!!

Johnny Johnny

Johnny Johnny is supposed to be an educational nursery rhyme for kids... But could it also be one of the most creepy nursery rhymes in nursery rhyme history? Here it is... Please do not watch if you are creeped out easily... Johnny Johnny (click the link)  {if you dare} Johnny is a creepy boy. He eats the most extreme things. This may actually get young children eating things they may choke on, or things that may be poisonous or bad for their health. The characters in this are too creepy. Please do NOT encourage your children to watch this.................... ItIsIncrediblyCreepyAndIsAVeryBadInfluence......

Common Phrases 4

A Piece of Cake A piece of cake means a task that is completed with ease. Scenario No. 1: Teacher: This is a super-hard worksheet, so it'll take ages to finish.  Whoever comes to me first with a complete worksheet wins and gets a chocolate bar. Me: *Write, write, write* I finished, teacher!  That was a piece of cake.  I had no trouble at all. *Toby is sitting next to me* Toby: That was so hard, how do you do that?????  Pls help me! If Toby is reading this, I'm just joking. Therefore you can impress all the people by using a common phrase of a piece of cake. Scenario No. 2: Mother: It's your turn to clean the dishes tonight. Me: Oh, this will be a piece of cake because only you and I at dinner at home tonight. (This is an example of me being lazy.  Go to:  How To Be Lazy - Learn It All to learn more about how lazy I am and my super lazy excuses.  This is an excuse: Offer to help out when there's minimal work to be done)

Room 101 - And It's Conondrums

I don't know much about Room 101.  I know that it's a TV Series.  I also know that it's a place you send your fears, or something you want to vanish from the human existance, race, earth... Because Wikipedia is the first site that popped up with I googled the definition of Room 101, I'm using it.  Ok, it's not reliable, but I am not totally copying off the internet.  So I do bend the rules of the blog, but I don't break them. According to Wikipedia (2017): " Room 101  is a  BBC  comedy  television series  based on the  radio series of the same name , in which celebrities are invited to discuss their pet hates and persuade the host to consign those hates to oblivion in  Room 101 , a location whose name is inspired by the torture room in the novel  Nineteen Eighty-Four  which reputedly contained "the worst thing in the world". " See?  I reference the comment thingamabob on wikipedia. Therefore I will be writing a long essay about what

The Mysteries Of Robert Schumann [A Music Dude]

This is Robert Schumann: He is a kind of nice dude, he and I go back a long way, into the 17th Century. He can tell jokes... About his life story. He tried to commit suicide three times by jumping off the bridge.  Fortunately for the world, and unfortunately for him, he lived. His wife was called Clara.  She was very beautiful, and she had many admirers besides her husband, *Cough, cough, Brahms, who was a generation younger than her.*  However, Brahms did not marry Clara for she did not want to marry him.  So what did Brahms do?  He fell in love with Clara's daughter. Silly, isn't it? Schumann thought that if he put weights on his fingers, they would become stronger when he played the piano.  Unfortunately, he was mistaken and the weights broke his fingers: he was unable to play any instrument.  ðŸ˜­! That is when he came up with a 'brilliant' idea.  He started composing.  My favourite in his deemed "Album for the young" is Wilder Reiter.  

Simple Maths....

Like Toby said, LIFE - F = LIE Let's take a look at some other math equations... #1  CORN - R = CON Corn should be cheap, but many of us are buying it at quite a high price! #2  SHOUT - U = SHOT You shouldn't shout at people. It is as bad as shooting at them. #3  FIGHT + R = FRIGHT When you fight, there is fright... #4  CHICKEN + RICE = CHICKEN RICE This was just for fun because chicken rice is delicious! #5  FATE - E = FAT Many people's fate is to be fat. Fight obesity! TheEndIHopeYouLikedThisIWillMakeMore...

How To Be Lazy - Learn It All

This is a tutorial of how to be lazy. If you are already lazy, you need not read this.  If you are not lazy, you must learn that it is amazing to be lazy.  Lazy is an adjective.  You only find the word lazy when someone is describing me! These are some synonyms of lazy, also in the description of me: idle,  indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, loafing, inactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, listless, torpid, enervated, slow-moving, slow, heavy, dull, plodding, remiss, negligent, slack, lax, lackadaisical, impassive, good-for-nothing, do-nothing, leisurely. All credits to Oxford Thesaurus Of English... An example of me being lazy: Mom: Annie, can you turn the light on? Me: No, I'm busy.  *Cough, cough, lying down and reading* Another example: Brother: I'm in the middle of playing football, so can you bring me my water bottle ? Me: Sorry, what was that?  I can't hear you. This is how to be lazy, the big secret... When someone asks you s

Karoot the Llama - Fortunately and Unfortunately

This is the story of Karoot the Llama... Here we go... Once upon a time, there was a llama called Karoot. He liked to dance on tables which were made of marble. Unfortunately, he fell off the table and broke her neck. Fortunately, she was saved by a passer-by, who happened to be a doctor. Unfortunately, Karoot didn't dare to dance any more, and she was incredibly depressed. Fortunately, she met a therapist named Joesu and he managed to cure her of her depression. Unfortunately, Joesu was actually insane and, instead of curing her, he actually poisoned her mind with terrible illusions and delusions of grandeur. She wasted all her money on buying expensive cars and drinking.  Fortunately, her brother, Jacop the Llama had money and saved her from her terrible trance. He took her to his house and made sure she was normal again. Unfortunately, Karoot was now like a zombie, with a mushy mind. Fortunately, she got it fixed by the best neurosurgeon in the world. Unfo