
POTATOES!!!!! pardon me. An idiom is something that is not literal. I love idioms. They make no sense and yet they do...It's kind of hard to explain. There is a sort of curious magic to idioms. Here are some awesome, well interesting at least, idioms we use in our everyday lives:

1. A storm in a teacup. =a big fuss about something unimportant

2.Pardon my french. =sorry for cursing

3.Fish out of water.=being uncomfortable in an unfamiliar surrounding

4.More holes than swiss cheese. (I think you'll like this one Annie, since you like cheese. A lot. Cheese is nice.)= something that has a lot of problems

5.As sharp as a marble.= someone who perhaps isn't very clever.

Quick question:
If you look you cannot see me. And if you see me you cannot see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, but later everything goes back to normal. What am I?

(I found this riddle online. It's a good one.)


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