Unnecessary Commas

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Commas are an essential part of the English language. They are a type of punctuation and are used to indicate a pause between parts of a sentence. They are also commonly used to separate items in a list.

I, use, completely, unnecessary, commas, all, the, time,.

My friends tell me that.

When I am writing, I write like this:

'Commas, are an essential part of the English language. They are a type of punctuation, and are used to indicate a pause, between two parts of a sentence. They are also commonly used, to separate items in a list.'

Yes, I know that that sentence is too highly commafied.

But I usually do that anyway...

This is because I associate commas to actual speech!

When you are talking, you should pause there, so, the places you should pause when you are talking, would be the places I would place my unnecessary commas!

You should all learn a lesson...

Just DON'T follow my example and use LOADS of unnecessary commas!!!!!


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