Room 101 - And It's Conondrums

I don't know much about Room 101.  I know that it's a TV Series.  I also know that it's a place you send your fears, or something you want to vanish from the human existance, race, earth...

Because Wikipedia is the first site that popped up with I googled the definition of Room 101, I'm using it.  Ok, it's not reliable, but I am not totally copying off the internet.  So I do bend the rules of the blog, but I don't break them.

According to Wikipedia (2017): "Room 101 is a BBC comedy television series based on the radio series of the same name, in which celebrities are invited to discuss their pet hates and persuade the host to consign those hates to oblivion in Room 101, a location whose name is inspired by the torture room in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four which reputedly contained "the worst thing in the world". "

See?  I reference the comment thingamabob on wikipedia.

Therefore I will be writing a long essay about what I will send to Room 101, why I am sending it there, what the thing I hate, so, if you dare, read on...

Room 101 is a deadly place renowned for being worst place anything or anyone could go.  What could be lurking in it's deep depths?  There is an object I really detest.  It's a food actually, a squishy, sugar-full, soft, fluffy looking, super-duper unhealthy thing to eat.  I'm sure you can guess what it is.

Marshmallows are very unhealthy due to the extreme amount of sugar marshmallow makers put inside the marshmallow.  It can be delicious, they melt in your mouth, I am aware of that.  However, obesity has really become a problem in this world.  According to what is deemed an "extraordinarily reliable source" proves through interviews that marshmallows cause 13.5% of obesity.  And in proportion to the 8.49% that McDonald's french fries cause, that seems rather a bit too much.  I say we rid marshmallows from this world!

Not everyone can eat marshmallow's due to their containing of gelatin.  Is it fair to deprive certain people of foods?  Certainly not!  Off to Room 101!  But I err for thinking they aren't enjoyable to some people.  That they don't bring a sense of contentment.  I err for lacking all those thoughts.  Nevertheless, you cannot deny that they are poisonous and artificial to existence of some.  Only the other day I heard someone nearly died from eating nothing but marshmallows for a day.  This deadly disease is easy to catch from eating more than 5 marshmallows.  Surely you don't want this to happen to you?

Hence marshmallows are awful and they should be execrated by all human beings.  For this terrible deed you have committed marshmallows, I will send you to Room 101!


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