
Q: Who hasn't lied in their life?

A: ME!!!

There is nobody on planet Earth has NEVER NOT told a lie before in their lives.

Everybody has.

If nobody tells lies, the world will be a different place 
(and probably a better place).

Just imagine a world without lies.

An average child of twelve-year-old lies around 5 times a day.

I lie more than that because I am actually not an average twelve-year-old. I am way over/under average.

Here are some scenarios I have lied in...

MUM: What are you doing?
ME: Homework!!! (watching YouTube)

MUM: Have you finished all your homework?
ME: Yes!!! (next morning - wake up early to rush everything)

MUM: When is your project due?
ME: Not until next Monday!!! (due tomorrow - I just wanna do it on my own - )

In conclusion, as lying is just a part of daily life - for me at least - I think that we should try to stop lying.

I am going to have one day where I do not lie at all. That would be an achievement for me. 

You could set yourselves higher standards and fulfil all you want.

If you want to see how hard it is to be a lawyer and not lie, you should watch the comedy movie "Liar Liar". 

Just try not to lie!!!


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