Dumb things people do...

Dumb things people do...
Almost everybody did something dumb in their lives.

1) Spellings
You search up how to spell a word correctly. 
You write it down in your book.
You spelt it the wrong way.

2) Getting something
You need to get something from your room.
You go in.
Ask yourself "What am I doing here?"
You go out.
You remember what you need to get.

3) Ideas/plans
You got an idea or plan.
You take out a notebook and a pen.
You start writing.
You stop.
You don't remember what you were going to write down.

4) Diet
You decide to start a diet.
You eat healthy.
You look up and see chocolate.
You eat it.
*End of diet*

5) Recommending
Your friend asks you what book you recommend.
You say that you have a book that you like a lot.
Your friends asks which book.
You say "I forgot".

6) Writing/ Texting
You are talking to your friend while writing/texting.
You accidentally write/type the wrong word.
The word was related to the conversation


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