Kitten The Bug - Who is Tara, really? - Ep6

Dear Diary,

Today, I went looking for Tara after my good bad boring GLEIHNS class.
It was boring.
Then I went to find Tara.
I still don't know if Sid and Fluffy lost my marbles but I haven't pulled their plug yet...
(read Ep5)

So, after GLEIHNS, I went home, ate a fufp and left.
Then I left home with a backpack with stuff for Tara.
I walked to the cafe and sat down, waiting for her.
She usually came at this time.
But she wasn't there.
So I waited for 2 hours but she still didn't turn up.

So I went to Tara's home and asked her parents where she was.
They said that she had gone to the park.
So I went to the park.
But she was not there.
So I decided to explore the park area a bit more and maybe Tara would come soon.
Maybe she was still walking.

So I went down into the subway station, and ran under a section of wall which looked good for exploring in.
I crawled under and looked around, and when I saw a figure dressed in black, about my size, I followed it, hoping for adventure.
The thing went under another wall, took a black diamond out of its pocket and put it into a hole in the wall.
A bigger hole in the wall opened and it went inside.
I followed it.
It didn't notice me.
It then walked into a dark room and the lights turned on.

A big beetle sat on a huge rug, holding what looked like a suitcase, which the black-clothed bug just handed to him.
The black-clothed bug ducked behind a wall and changed into a red dress with green shoes - Tara's clothes!
Could this thing have taken Tara's clothes and shoes?
The figure that stepped out from behind the wall was Tara, smiling smugly.

"I got the money," she said, "20 billion bucks bugs" and 3 gold bars.

The beetle smiled at her as she put on a thick coat of really red lipstick - it was so red it could be cherry flavoured!
Her eyes were emerald green - they had changed colour...
Her colour was still the same though, and I was happy about that.

She walked back out of the door.
I followed.
She went back under both the walls.
I followed.
She walked back up the staircase and into the park.
I followed.

Then, I hurriedly sat on a bench and smiled at her.
She smiled back.

When she sat next to me, I told her everything I saw.
She looked worriedly at me and frowned.
Her expression told me everything.

She didn't want me to tell anybody.
Not even Fluffy and Sid.

I said OKAY.

But, when I went home, Tara's gifts still in my backpack, I knew I had to tell somebody.


I am confused today,



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