When you have a sore throat - Tips to cure it

Have a sore throat? I know how you feel.

You feel like you can't talk and it will never recover.

You feel like you are going to be sick anytime [Well, it is a sign that you are about to be sick]

Yes most of you have experienced it.

Here are some tips that could help you recover quicker.

Tip 1:
Drink LOADS and LOADS of water, at least 1 litre a day. Sore throat can be caused when you don't drink enough water/dehydrated.
[Everybody does this one]

Easy way to get used to it:
Get or buy a 1 litre bottle and just make sure you finish it up everyday! [Obviously a more won't harm you]

Tip 2:
Try gargling with warm salt water. Don't add to much salt but it is up to you. Maybe a teaspoon is enough.

Easy way to get used to it:

First, make a cup of the warm salt water and gargle it. Then make another one just to prepare for the next hour. *[Next hour] Gargle and then make another one for the next hour* Repeat from * to *.

Tip 3:
Easy one. Try not to talk too much. It will make it worse.
P.S. Sorry talkative ones.

Easy way to get used to it:
Attach tape to your mouth and only tear it off when you need to. JUST KIDDING. 
You'll have to somehow get used to it. I don't think that there are much ways to get used to it.

Tip 4:
Drink honey water! It works. 
WARNING: DO NOT ADD TOO MUCH HONEY OR TOO MUCH WATER. A TEASPOON IS ENOUGH. (Unless you love honey). Drink maybe about 2-3 cups per day

Easy way to get used to it:
Place the honey somewhere visible in your house. Maybe somewhere in your house that you usually do stuff at. For me, it's the dining table. Once you see it, you'll remember to make honey water!

Tip 5:
Most of the people out there loves this one. Eat popsicles or stuff like that. It cools down your throat and it is awesome. Mints work too.
About 1-2 a day should be enough

Easy way to get used to it:
Buy about 3-5 packets of popsicles (or you could even make some!) and leave it in the freezer. Put a sticky note on the fridge that says "POPSICLE!" and it should remind you to eat the popsicle every time you open the fridge.

Hope these tips worked for you.

Have a good life!!


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