
That title was long.

For toddlers and children, they're favourite food is probably chocolate.

Little Kid: Mommy, can I have some chocolate?

Mum: No, darling, you had some yesterday.

See?  Parents are good.  They prevent bad things happening to you.

Child: Mommy, I want a chocolate cake for my birthday this year.

Mum: Ok, if you're sure, you had one last year...

She trails off, kind of uncertain....

Pre-teen or early teenager.  The typical pre-teen or likes...  PIZZA!

But I dislike it...

Teenager:  I'm gonna go out and get some pizza!

Mom:  Ok, but don't be back too late.


Mom: No, dear, it's best that you don't go out at this time.  It's already 12.00.  Have some beans instead.

Teenager: Mom, don't mollycoddle me!  I want to grow up!  I'm going to get pizza so deal with it!

Annie has left the blog...
She would write more but lets stop here...


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