If you guyz didn't know, I LOVE chicken rice.

It tastes AMAZING.

But I am also obsessed about it for another reason.
This is very irrelevant and you really don't need to know.

But I'll tell you...

There are 3 hawker shops in Lucky Gardens (Malaysia).
We call them the side shop, the middle shop and the corner shop.
The side shop is on the side, the middle shop is in the middle and the corner shop is on the corner.
SO, these shops are all like food courts, with various types of hawker foods.
e.g. Ban min, Char Kuay Teow, Wan Tan Min, Zhu Min etc.
And, all the shops (I think) serve chicken rice!
However, the corner shop serves the best chicken rice, then the side shop and finally the middle shop.
But we always go to the middle shop because it is the biggest and has the most variety of things to eat.
My sister used to, and still LOVES chicken rice.
Since we always went to the middle shop, she doesn't get to eat the best chicken rice so she always yells "CHICKEN RICE" in despair.
Then, I started LOVING chicken rice as well.
I followed her example and also yelled chicken rice when we saw it or craved it.
Now, I use it unnecessarily.
If you ask me a random question that I either don't want to answer or I am not listening, I will just answer "CHICKEN RICE."
If you don't believe me, you can ask every member of this blog.
They will say that I LOVE chicken rice and say it all the time.



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