Image result for money doesn't grow on trees"MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES!"

This phrase is commonly used by MANY parents around the world to tell their children to value money. I find this phrase kind of annoying, now my parents have used it so many times. Though it is actually true, I find that our parents should just tell us to value money. They should tell us how hard they work to trigger our emotions. It will make us understand how hard they work and how hard we will have to work when we grow up. So, instead of saying 


parents should just say, 

"Your father/mother and I have worked very hard to earn this money and we figure you should use it sparingly. Until you can earn your own money, you should not use it on all the luxuries you don't even need. Learn to use your money wisely and only for the things you really need. If you want, you can earn your own money form us by doing difficult jobs. This way, you will learn how precious money is and you will use it more sparingly."

In conclusion, I think that we should save our parents' money.


Trust me, you do not need to earn money.

Doing well in school is more than enough to make your parents happy!!!


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