LIfe as a FLOWER...

Hello, anonymous!
Thank you for the suggestion on life as a flower...
We are very sorry that we hadn't noticed it before.
I was just browsing through comments and this was on our 100th post and we are now at 206 posts, so, I guess we could have been a little quicker!!!

Let's begin...

I woke up feeling extremely confused, like every other day.

I was thirsty and just letting in the carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen. 

As I ate up most of the food I had mad yesterday, I thought of what I should do today.

Should I make food?

Or should I move to the sun...

Should I smile brightly at people walking by?

Or should I let out a smell so bad that it would scare them away...

I decided to wait a while and see what the day would bring me to do, and as I was considering moving towards the sun, a strong wind blew, and a huge, dark, menacing cloud moved in front of the sun, blocking it from my view.

The gust of wind also tore at my petals, sending a few flying far away and finally settling on the nearby grass.

By this time, rain had started to fall, quenching my thirst and giving me my early morning shower.
Related image
It was so windy and rainy that I felt drowsy and slowly, a few of my precious seeds escaped from my grips and spiralled away through the raging wind. They too, sat on the grass.

Unable to contain myself, I fell into a deep sleep, the rain tickling me and the wind rocking me back and forth. 

When I opened my eyes again, I wasn't at all upright.

My pot had fallen and my petals, stem and leaves were crushed under the weight of moist soil.

I couldn't see anything - my head was buried under the soil, and for a while, I felt as if I was dead, but only until gentle hands lifted me upright and stabbed a stick in the soil next to me, resting me on it.

Life was much easier after that - I didn't even need to hold myself upright!!!


If anything interesting happens to me, I'll let you know - I am flower!


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