Image result for my dog ate my homework

This one is used mainly by school children.

"My dog ate my homework!!!"

That is one of the worst excuses in the history of excuses, but, though many think that it is used a lot, it is actually just a very cliche phrase that was used only a few times and amplified through social media as a joke.

We all know that our dogs don't eat our homework, and that even if we tried to force them to, they never will. 

The first person to come up with this phrase must have had a good sense of imagination and a bad sense of common sense.

Quote: - beyourself_xy - 


(mostly directed to Toby [awesomeness burrito])

Please, at least a 
"My dog chewed up my homework"
would be much better...

I guess you have learnt to NOT learn to use this "common phrase"

The next time any of you make and use a phrase, please check it has logic behind it.



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