The struggles of wearing glasses...

This may seem unusual because you are 100% used to glasses.

Me? Even if i started wearing glasses since i was 9, i hate it (sorry if it's offensive)

I find it annoying.

Let's see the history of my life wearing glasses.

So... 9 years old, the teacher told me that i couldn't see. I personally think that it was ok. So my mom brought me to the optician. There was power in my eyes. 75 and 100 (Malaysian way of calculating) which wasn't so high but i bought glasses anyway.

When I was 11, I stopped wearing glasses because i started wearing this thing called Ortho-K. It is similar to contact lens but instead of wearing it during the day and removing it at night, you do the opposite. Wear it at night and remove it in the morning, in the morning when you remove it, it is clear. The only part where it is annoying is when you either put it in and when you take it out.

Contact lenses lens are softer and wobblier and bigger than ortho-k's lens. At first they may seem uncomfortable but it is fine once you get used to it.

My power is now around 150 and 200 and so i need to get new ones. P.S. it's expensive. VERY.

So one of the struggles is that for me, I sometimes forget to take out my glasses before taking a bath.

Another one is that when you change you forget to take it out too.

Another one is that when you drink or eat something hot, your glasses fogs up (But certain type of lenses won't), and then you'll have to wipe it (Tip: In this situation, don't wear your glasses).

Another one is that when it rains, and you don't have anything to cover up your face, you glasses have raindrops on them and is also annoying (if you are lazy) because you have to wipe them afterwards.

The last reason is that if you get hit in the face by a ball, your glasses might break and your parents will have to buy you a new one (experienced).

So comment down below if you have a struggle of wearing glasses.
Share your story with us!

Have a good life!

Also, this is the 200th post. We gotta CELEBRATE!!!!!! lol.


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