Just do whatever you like - Quote of the week

I made this myself. 

You can tell because of the ice cream. 

As many of you know, I am a huge foodie.

This quote is very interesting, yet slightly wrong.

We should NOT just do whatever we like.

We should do things that are actually good for us, that benefit our lives in some way.

Truthfully, it doesn't necessarily need to benefit your life.

You can do whatever you want if it doesn't impact your life in any negative way.


1) shouldn't put your life in danger 
(ice cream overload)
2) shouldn't hurt other people's feelings
(mean messaging)
3) shouldn't involved bad grades or doing badly in your job or work
(not revising for an exam)

If they do not involve any of these things, just do whatever you like.

Be #AWESOMEly comfortable with what you do.




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