5 earphone hacks to use in class

Doing some of these things may be VERY bad.

But I do them,
so I'll share what I do with you...

#1 Only use 1 earphone incase your teacher calls you and you don't respond, letting your teacher know that you are up to something.

#2 Turn your earphone bud inside out so you can hear better and the sound of the outside world isn't that muffled.

Here is a video to show you how...

#3 Hide your earphone down your sleeve and put your hand over your ear to use it. This works especially well if you have long sleeves.


#4 Your earphones are very long and very hard to hide in a hurry. To do this, you should neatly tie them up to hide easily.

#5 You can place something on top of your earphones, like a book or piece of paper. They should cover your earphones up so your teacher can't see them.

I hope these hacks work for you.

Please comment if they do!!!


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