Kitten The Bug - The Scuba Diving Adventure - Ep 4 [By Annie]

Hello, I am Kitten the Bug!!!

I am in a good mood today. 

I want to do something interesting.

Dear Diary,

When I woke up, I felt great!  Because the chocolate I ate was tasty!  It had brandy so I was drunk.  But, it was very boring because all the people tried to step on me when I wanted to play Gin Rummy with them.  I don't like love humans!

I said that I wanted to scuba dive...

But mummy said that I said that yesterday...

So I snuck out of the house and went scuba diving.  I saw coral and fishes.  There was a goldfish called Sid there.

Sid wanted to come home with me.

I said OK.

Out of the ucky dirty murky water, a sunken ship suddenly emerged out of the gloom. It loomed out, and I shrieked in fright.

"myomm," I cried, "'mI crasde fo igb pish!"

which means...

"Mommy," I cried, "I'm scared of big ship!"

Sid comforted me and I realised that Big Sunken Ship is actually harmless.

I and Sid Sid and I went to take a selfie in front of the ship. I was so small that I can ride on Sid.

"Wheeee!" I said.

*Flash* goes the camera.


*Mommy is on Instagram*

Why is Kitten in front of a boat? Mommy wonders.

How did he get on Instagram?

*Kitten has the most popular selfie of the year*

Reporter: "And we're here at the home of Kitten The Bug, to explore his selfie taking skills."

Mommy: "Kitten is missing, and I can't find him!" [She wails]

*Back to Kitten*

He is stuck in the netting of the ship.  Luckily, there is a friendly dolphin called Fluffy who decides to help Kitten.

Sid and Kitten and Fluffy ride all the way home.


Dear Diary,

I like scuba diving.  There was a giant ship.  I was so scared of it but Sid protected me Sid was so scared of it, but I protected him.

We earned selfie of the year.  I was so upset happy because the reporter nearly stepped on me!

Sid and Fluffy are living in my bathtub.  Mommy will be mad with me good-humoured when she sees the "mess" they have made.


Dear Diary,

Much later, Tara came and visited me.  She punched me on my arm She gave me a hug.  Then, she demanded to know why she wasn't on my adventure.  I love like Tara, but she can be nosy and demanding.



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